šŸŒŸ Pending Release - 'Klient' - A multi-tool

Got back from riding go karts and worked a bit on the cut and paste ā€œHelperā€.

There will be a library and a few cut & paste helpers to chose from.

You would use this particular helper if you were going to do a lot of Console operations.
Otherwise, for a one off, just call the (epicor) function yourself, or use a more simple helper that I will provide as well.

This one will have all the logic for connection to Azure relay in the top. (Not shown) so if you plan to do a lot of IO in one place, you arenā€™t creating connection after connection.

This is missing the top portion that will handle connections, but this shouldnā€™t be too bad to paste in.

This is for paste in functions. BPMs use a slightly lower C# version, so Iā€™ll have to adjust a bit.

Paste version of the helper (partial)

dynamic ThisKonsoleBase = null; //Cheat to reference KonsoleBase below
var KonsoleBase = new { CreateMessage = new Func<(string? messageType, string? messageSubtype, object? messageExtraData, object? serializableObjectForMessage), string>((input) =>
{ try { return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { MessageID = Guid.NewGuid(), MessageType = input.messageType, MessageSubtype = input.messageSubtype, MessageExtraData = input.messageExtraData, Message = input.serializableObjectForMessage, SessionInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(ThisLib.GetSessionInfo())}); } 
catch { return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { MessageID = Guid.NewGuid(), MessageType = String.Empty, MessageSubtype = String.Empty, MessageExtraData = new {}, Message = new {}, SessionInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(ThisLib.GetSessionInfo())}); } }),
GetColorTag = new Func<System.Drawing.Color, object>((color) => { if(color.IsKnownColor) return new { color = color.Name };  return new { color = $"{{{color.A},{color.R},{color.G},{color.B}}}" }; }),
SendKlientMessage = new Func<string, string>((klientMessage) => SendKlientMessage(klientMessage)),
SendMessage = new Func<(string? messageType, string? messageSubtype, object? messageExtraData, object? serializableObjectForMessage), string>((input) => { return SendKlientMessage(ThisKonsoleBase.CreateMessage(input)); }),
SendKonsoleMessage = new Func<(string? messageSubtype, object? messageExtraData, object? serializableObjectForMessage), string>((input) =>
{ var newInput = (messageType: "Console", messageSubtype: input.messageSubtype, messageExtraData: input.messageExtraData, serializableObjectForMessage: input.serializableObjectForMessage);
return SendKlientMessage(ThisKonsoleBase.CreateMessage(newInput)); }) }; ThisKonsoleBase = KonsoleBase; //Cheat to reference KonsoleBase. Make sure we assign it!

var Konsole = new { Clear = new Func<string>(() => KonsoleBase.SendKonsoleMessage(("Clear", null, null))),
Write = new Func<object, string>((s) => KonsoleBase.SendKonsoleMessage(("Write", null, s))),
WriteColor = new Func<object, Color, string>((s, c) => KonsoleBase.SendKonsoleMessage(("Write", KonsoleBase.GetColorTag(c), s))),
WriteLine = new Func<object, string>((s) => KonsoleBase.SendKonsoleMessage(("WriteLine", null, s))),
WriteLineColor = new Func<object, Color, string>((s, c) => KonsoleBase.SendKonsoleMessage(("WriteLine", KonsoleBase.GetColorTag(c), s))),
Echo = new Func<object, string>((s) => KonsoleBase.SendKonsoleMessage(("Echo", null, s))),
DumpTextFile = new Func<object, bool, string>((s, pretty) => KonsoleBase.SendKonsoleMessage(("DumpTextFile", new { pretty, filename = "" }, s))),
DumpTextFileAs = new Func<object, string, bool, string>((s, filename, pretty) => KonsoleBase.SendKonsoleMessage(("DumpTextFile", new { pretty, filename }, s))),
DumpBinaryFile = new Func<object, string>((s) => KonsoleBase.SendKonsoleMessage(("DumpBinaryFile", new {filename = "" }, s))),
DumpBinaryFileAs = new Func<string, string, string>((s, filename) => KonsoleBase.SendKonsoleMessage(("DumpBinaryFile", new { filename }, s))),
Beep = new Func<int, int, string>((frequency, duration) => KonsoleBase.SendKonsoleMessage(("Beep", null, $"{frequency.ToString()}|{duration.ToString()}"))),
DumpKonsoleMessage = new Func<string, string>((konsoleMessage) => { try { var msg = JToken.Parse(konsoleMessage); string originalMessageType = msg["MessageType"].ToString(),
originalMessageSubtype = msg["MessageSubtype"].ToString(); msg["MessageSubtype"] = $"DumpKonsoleMessage->{originalMessageType}|{originalMessageSubtype}";
msg["MessageType"] = "Console"; return KonsoleBase.SendKlientMessage(msg.ToString()); } catch {} return null; }),
YesNo = new Func<string, string, int, string>((caption, text, defaultButton) => { var msg = new { caption, text, @default = defaultButton == 0 ? "No" : "Yes" };
return KonsoleBase.SendKonsoleMessage(("YesNo", null, msg)); }) };

Reduced from ~

dynamic ThisKonsoleBase = null; // Cheat to reference KonsoleBase below

var KonsoleBase = new
    CreateMessage = new Func<(string? messageType, string? messageSubtype, object? messageExtraData, object? serializableObjectForMessage), string>(input =>
            return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
                MessageID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                MessageType = input.messageType,
                MessageSubtype = input.messageSubtype,
                MessageExtraData = input.messageExtraData,
                Message = input.serializableObjectForMessage,
                SessionInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(ThisLib.GetSessionInfo())
            return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
                MessageID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                MessageType = String.Empty,
                MessageSubtype = String.Empty,
                MessageExtraData = new { },
                Message = new { },
                SessionInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(ThisLib.GetSessionInfo())

    GetColorTag = new Func<System.Drawing.Color, object>(color =>
        if (color.IsKnownColor)
            return new { color = color.Name };
        return new { color = $"{{{color.A},{color.R},{color.G},{color.B}}}" };

    SendKlientMessage = new Func<string, string>(SendKlientMessage),

    SendMessage = new Func<(string? messageType, string? messageSubtype, object? messageExtraData, object? serializableObjectForMessage), string>(input =>
        return SendKlientMessage(ThisKonsoleBase.CreateMessage(input));

    SendKonsoleMessage = new Func<(string? messageSubtype, object? messageExtraData, object? serializableObjectForMessage), string>(input =>
        var newInput = (messageType: "Console", messageSubtype: input.messageSubtype, messageExtraData: input.messageExtraData, serializableObjectForMessage: input.serializableObjectForMessage);
        return SendKlientMessage(ThisKonsoleBase.CreateMessage(newInput));

ThisKonsoleBase = KonsoleBase; // Cheat to reference KonsoleBase. Make sure we assign it!

var Konsole = new
    Clear = new Func<string>(() => KonsoleBase.SendKonsoleMessage(("Clear", null, null))),

    Write = new Func<object, string>(s => KonsoleBase.SendKonsoleMessage(("Write", null, s))),

    WriteColor = new Func<object, Color, string>((s, c) => KonsoleBase.SendKonsoleMessage(("Write", KonsoleBase.GetColorTag(c), s))),

    WriteLine = new Func<object, string>(s => KonsoleBase.SendKonsoleMessage(("WriteLine", null, s))),

    WriteLineColor = new Func<object, Color, string>((s, c) => KonsoleBase.SendKonsoleMessage(("WriteLine", KonsoleBase.GetColorTag(c), s))),

    Echo = new Func<object, string>(s => KonsoleBase.SendKonsoleMessage(("Echo", null, s))),

    DumpTextFile = new Func<object, bool, string>((s, pretty) => KonsoleBase.SendKonsoleMessage(("DumpTextFile", new { pretty, filename = "" }, s))),

    DumpTextFileAs = new Func<object, string, bool, string>((s, filename, pretty) => KonsoleBase.SendKonsoleMessage(("DumpTextFile", new { pretty, filename }, s))),

    DumpBinaryFile = new Func<object, string>((s) => KonsoleBase.SendKonsoleMessage(("DumpBinaryFile", new { filename = "" }, s))),

    DumpBinaryFileAs = new Func<string, string, string>((s, filename) => KonsoleBase.SendKonsoleMessage(("DumpBinaryFile", new { filename }, s))),

    Beep = new Func<int, int, string>((frequency, duration) => KonsoleBase.SendKonsoleMessage(("Beep", null, $"{frequency}|{duration}"))),

    DumpKonsoleMessage = new Func<string, string>(konsoleMessage =>
            var msg = JToken.Parse(konsoleMessage);
            string originalMessageType = msg["MessageType"]?.ToString(),
                   originalMessageSubtype = msg["MessageSubtype"]?.ToString();
            msg["MessageSubtype"] = $"DumpKonsoleMessage->{originalMessageType}|{originalMessageSubtype}";
            msg["MessageType"] = "Console";
            return KonsoleBase.SendKlientMessage(msg.ToString());
            return null;

    YesNo = new Func<string, string, int, string>((caption, text, defaultButton) =>
        var msg = new { caption, text, @default = defaultButton == 0 ? "No" : "Yes" };
        return KonsoleBase.SendKonsoleMessage(("YesNo", null, msg));

If the BPM version doesnā€™t end up being super long, may end up with that one as a universal solution.

For any of you that are confused about the helpers, donā€™t worry, I will explain.

Itā€™s about the same, weā€™ll just go with the one without Tuples. The expanded version of the first is a tiny bit more readable, but not much.

You certainly canā€™t read the compacted paste version at all! :rofl:
So I guess it doesnā€™t matter.


I created a universal paste solution, and just tested it. (Itā€™s not compact yet lol)

What I did:

Opened a BPM (Actually a UBAQ BPM, but thatā€™s a distinction without a real differenceā€¦)
Added this to the usings:

using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using RestSharp;
using System.Drawing;

then pasted my helper at the top

//Begin Helper------------------------------------------------------------->
//Bunch of crap here lol
//<----------------------------------------------------------------End Helper

//And under that...
Konsole.Beep(1000, 250);

Hit the GetList button.

And it made an annoying beep at me.

Happy Fun GIF by reactionseditor


You putting this in github so we can log issues right?


Eventually. Gotta relearn github, been a bit.