Wile reviewing the results of the ERP Analyzer (for an upcoming Update to 10.2.300), It highlighted an unposted AR Invoice group. Upon looking into it, it turns out that the AR person had made a group named ‘PROFORMA’ for creating Proforma Invoices, and never posted them. Eventually, the real invoice would be created in another group, and that would be posted.
So a couple of questions:
Would deleting this group (and all its invoices), create any transactions? I’d guess no on the GL (as they’d never been posted). But are there any transactions (like updating the OrderHead.TotalInvoiced), that could throw something off?
What is the downside of having an unposted invoice group, during an update - besides the ERP Analyzer telling warning you about them ?
My memory thought it did but I just tried it in Pilot and it did not. It also wasn’t under the File | New menu but the Actions menu. Maybe there is a way and I’m just not seeing it. I’ll keep checking…