Physical Inventory completed - a heads up

Good Day:

RE: Physical Inventory completed - a heads up

We did our first Physical Inventory in E9, (9.05.301B, SQL-Unicode)
over the weekend.

Beware of 'Blank' tags.

We were almost done at 3:00 PM on Sunday, then the Posting of the
last warehouse failed, and we spent until 6:30 AM Monday trying to fix
it, and could not; so we had to tell the whole company they could do
nothing in E9 on Monday.

Fortunately, by 1:00 PM on Monday, the helpline found out that there
was a known bug, and a known fix, and that we could let everyone loose.
Actually, there are two fixes. One posts the blanks. The other just
closes the Count without posting the Balanks and you do manual

The problem is with posting Blank tags. Blank tags are either blank
ones created but not used, or ones that were added but then changed to
Zero because they were an error. To post, they must be Voided, and after
voiding them, we could not Post. There is also the confusion that we
added the hand-written counts by simply clicking "add new record". It
worked, but we were told they assume you will Create blank tags then
edit them. I can't believe that makes any difference.

Other then that, it went very well. We did create BAQ's to dump, the
Tag File to Access because we had to have a complex sort to make it
easier on the key-puncher since we had to re-sort the tags for the count
sheets. Did another BAQ to list the adjustments - their Variance report
shows nothing once the Tags post. Plus, you run it more then once, and
it duplicates things. Finally we did a few BAQ's to list the tags and
their three ( five?) associated files.
We added a BAQ-Quick-Search for the Count-Entry screen, and to list
the count for a part from any Part field.

There was a big learning curve because of all steps involved and the
files and fields involved.

Other comments:
1. We did not add reason codes, but they posted. Maybe some tags need
reasons, but not most.
2. With 13,000 records, a few screens took 2-5 minutes to first open.
Some Whole file Actions took 20 minutes. Initialization of the Physical
took almost an hour.
3. We did not do ANY transactions after the cut -off so I do not know
about the "Tracking changes" functionality.
4. There are some good step-by-step documents.
5. For count entry, if you select a range of records, you can add in
list mode - very fast and the system remembers your name, date, and the
"Returned" check box is checked.
If too many list, it slows down to 5-6 seconds per entry rather then
the one second with a short (50 records) list.
6. Nobody told us how to know if it is done. Posting with no errors is
one, but real answer is when ccTaghdr::Status = 6.
7. The Crystal variance sheet takes 5-8 minutes to come up. - again with
13,000 tags.
8. Make Back-up after count entry and Void tags.
9. I stil do not have a handle on "Cycles". Each inventory is a cycle?
10. Posted records have "2011*1*4"in the reference field.

Leonard C. Hartka, IS Project Manager\ERP Specialist
Sun Automation Group
66 Loveton Circle
Sparks, Md. 21152
410-329-3560 ext. 120
410-329-3564 FAX
443-255-7192 Work Cell


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