Physical QOH <> Vantage-system QOH & Backflushing

Good Day:

Sun live on 9.05.601B SQL-Unidata (11/29/10)
Testing 9.05.604A as of 5/24/11
Sun was previously on M2K (Manage-2000) 7.0 SP 5 (Informix)

We had QOH imbalances, and now run a program 6430 to fix them.
We get very few QOH errors, but a lot of Allocation balance errors.



From: [] On Behalf
Of markbetts66
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2011 3:30 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Physical QOH <> Vantage-system QOH & Backflushing

Which version of Vantage 8.03 are you running? There is a bug in some of
them where the warehouse qty is not updated correctly. The Bins are
defined as being correct by Epicor.

You may just want to use "Part Transaction History Tracker". Ive used
this many times when looking for why the OHQ have changed from the
computer reported Bin QTYs.


--- In <> ,
"jim_chance" <jim_chance@...> wrote:
> Does anyone have any 8.03 Crystal reports for good part
auditing/backflushing forensics?
> Its been reported that our physical QOH <> computers QOH - and I
wonder if its because of backflushing - investigating. As part of this
analysis I'm hoping for a few reports that shows the transaction trail
to audit and pinpoint if the culprit is backflushing.
> Has anyone else had this challenge?

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Does anyone have any 8.03 Crystal reports for good part auditing/backflushing forensics?

Its been reported that our physical QOH <> computers QOH - and I wonder if its because of backflushing - investigating. As part of this analysis I'm hoping for a few reports that shows the transaction trail to audit and pinpoint if the culprit is backflushing.

Has anyone else had this challenge?
Inherently I don't think there is any issue with back flushing itself.
Typically there are two reasons why our physical on hand quantity varies
from our system inventory level. The first and foremost for us the that
our real time behavior does not reflect what we tell the system we are
doing. People over produce, people scrap and/or lose items, and, with
nesting parts in plate steel, the actual usage varies significantly from
the default quantities allocated at the engineering level (though we've
fixed that issue long ago). The second is that there are errors in the
method of manufacturing and quantities are allocated incorrectly.
Personally, I've never seen the system back flush anything other than
what we've told it to..

Rob Bucek

Production Control Manager

PH: (715) 284-5376 ext 311

Mobile: (715)896-0590

FAX: (715)284-4084


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From: [] On Behalf
Of jim_chance
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2011 7:55 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Physical QOH <> Vantage-system QOH & Backflushing

Does anyone have any 8.03 Crystal reports for good part
auditing/backflushing forensics?

Its been reported that our physical QOH <> computers QOH - and I wonder
if its because of backflushing - investigating. As part of this analysis
I'm hoping for a few reports that shows the transaction trail to audit
and pinpoint if the culprit is backflushing.

Has anyone else had this challenge?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
If parttran not too big you can always load onto Exce, then pivot table or sort by trantype.

--- In, "cooner_55421" <cooner_55421@...> wrote:
> I use the PartTran table if I have any question about quantities or costs.
> As for backflushing, the only trouble I've had related to backflush is that of quantities going negative when I don't wnat them too.
> We use auto-receive and backflush.
> Unfortunately, they will override the part class setting of "stop" for negative quantity action. It doesn't happen much, but it is a pain in the neck for cost accounting to reverse everything.
> --- In, "jim_chance" <jim_chance@> wrote:
> >
> > Does anyone have any 8.03 Crystal reports for good part auditing/backflushing forensics?
> >
> > Its been reported that our physical QOH <> computers QOH - and I wonder if its because of backflushing - investigating. As part of this analysis I'm hoping for a few reports that shows the transaction trail to audit and pinpoint if the culprit is backflushing.
> >
> > Has anyone else had this challenge?
> >
Which version of Vantage 8.03 are you running? There is a bug in some of them where the warehouse qty is not updated correctly. The Bins are defined as being correct by Epicor.

You may just want to use "Part Transaction History Tracker". Ive used this many times when looking for why the OHQ have changed from the computer reported Bin QTYs.


--- In, "jim_chance" <jim_chance@...> wrote:
> Does anyone have any 8.03 Crystal reports for good part auditing/backflushing forensics?
> Its been reported that our physical QOH <> computers QOH - and I wonder if its because of backflushing - investigating. As part of this analysis I'm hoping for a few reports that shows the transaction trail to audit and pinpoint if the culprit is backflushing.
> Has anyone else had this challenge?