PO Suggestions Keeping Me at Max?

Say the part has a min of 50 and a max of 200, and re-order to max is set to true. I have 40 on hand, so I order 160 more that will arrive in a couple weeks, to bring me back to the max of 200.

The next day after I cut the PO, a customer orders 5 units, and a new PO suggestion shows up to order 5 more units to keep me at my max.

Essentially, while your inventory is below the min, any further demand against the part will trigger a PO suggestion, even though you have enough on order to bring you well above the min.

Anyone know how to prevent this so that it only gives a suggestion if you WILL be below your min after you receive the material on the PO? That would save a lot of time and frustration. Thanks!

Not at a computer, so can’t get too detailed. But the reason it is suggesting the 5 is because there is a need for that quantity before the arrival date of the PO.

Adjust the days of supply on the part record… if its zero it will create a new PO suggestion every time a demand is created. Set it to 30 and basically every 30 days it will generate a PO suggestion (while also looking ahead 30 days and grouping that demand into the new po suggestion). I’ve seen it suggested to do these days of supply in multiples of 7 days.

the above link is where I got some of that information.


How you are expecting it to behave is basically how it should behave if your settings are as you say. The PO for 5 seems out of place here. As @jkane is suggesting it is most likely a timing issue.

Diagnosing why MRP is not behaving as expected is usually possible but difficult without more information. A screenshot of Time Phase for this part is a good place to start.

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Re Order point is the minimum plus the safety stock. Safety stock is daily usage x lead time.

True, there is a need for that quantity before the arrival date of the PO, but the part has a lead time of 10 days, so even if I did accept the PO suggestion for the 5 more, those would not arrive until 10 days after that.

Try running Generate Suggestions for that part with Allow Historical Dates checked.

Sometimes this can help make more sense of what Epicor wants to/is trying to do when you are in a situation where you need supply for a part and the parameters for the part/supplier/etc make generating a suggestion that arrives on time impossible.

@hackaphreaka - here’s the time phase detail. Very odd behavior. It would be suggesting qty 1 (to bring me to max) if I didn’t have the min order qty set to 4.

Yellow signifies one PO and blue signifies a separate PO. All PO releases set to LockQty True, and LockDate False.

Operationally, it’s just an annoyance because it spits out a bunch of unnecessary PO suggestions the whole time you are below your min with demand due before the incoming PO material brings you above your min.