Is it suggesting less than 2232?
I currently have suggestions suggesting more, but not in multiples of 2232
Set the Max Lot Size to 2232?
I thought of that too, but it has never been set, and this issue only began back in the first week of January
Maybe something at site/plant level if you’re running more than one location?
Any patches applied in the interim?
I thought that the multiple would be split on creation of the PO. That is, the suggestion may be 2300, but when the PO is created it would split to 2 releases of 2232 and 68.
Edit: Forget that, I am thinking of when the max lot size is reached. That is not your situation.
Forgive the question, but just checking to be sure…
It’s not non-stock/buy to order/drop ship is it?
No worries mate - can confirm, it is NOT non-stock/buy to order/drop ship
What does your time phase look like? From what we see here, I don’t understand why it wouldn’t be working either. Maybe that would shed some light on this.
Hi Alex,
A couple of things jump out at me… you have both po change suggestions and new po suggestion here. If you lock your PO qty and date on the release, does it make it order in the multiples as you desire? Also, you have a negative balance at the top… is this in the plant/warehouse of concern? Negative can throw things into a tizzy (highly technical term). I have also seen in some versions lot ordering get thrown out the window by the system when you are starting below SS. You are not starting below SS unless the negative is involved here so IDK… When I want to test if it is due to start below SS, I like to use the urgent planning MOQ on the part / site to ensure that’s not the problem.
We have to order in constant batch size, no bigger no less from our parent company and this is how it’s setup for us to do that, for example. It’s long lead so that’s fun too. We do lock the PO release qty and date since once it’s ordered we do not want to change it.
What Nancy said, plus…
This shows more values than you had in the earlier screenshot. Also, take a look at that min/max on hand. That looks pretty problematic to me. There’s only 2,264 difference between your min and max. Your multiple is 2,232. The math can’t math there. You can only get 1 lot of demand satisfied before bumping your head against the max. If you don’t really NEED it, I would suggest also removing that max or you’ll be constantly chasing your tail on this one.
Found the issue - new price lists took effect in January, carrying new conversion factors. The conversion factors should not have changed, not sure why they did, error in entry I suppose. Recently expired price lists carried proper conversion factors, I just overrode conversion factor on new price lists and we are now seeing what we want to see.