PO Totals

“Upgraded” from 10.1.400.26 to 10.1.500.15
Buyer just informed me that the PO order totals are missing from all closed orders

Any one else notice this when migrating to 10.1.500 ?

We are currently in testing on 10.1.500.14, upgrading from 10.0, and I just confirmed this! :sweat: Ran this query and confirmed that the only POs that actually have anything in POHeader.TotalOrder, POHeader.TotalCharges, or POHeader.TotalTax are open orders, and a few that we closed after the migration.

SELECT      *
FROM    Erp.POHeader p
WHERE   p.TotalOrder > 0 OR p.TotalCharges > 0 OR p.TotalTax > 0

Have you reported it to Epicor yet? Since it seems to be working okay on POs closed after the upgrade, maybe they would be able to release a data fix that updates the closed POs. Other than having to manually calculate this (informational purposes), I wonder if this is something that we could live with for a few weeks if we had to or not?

I will report it now that I know that it isnot only me :slight_smile:

We saw the same thing in our upgrade from 10. Under System Management / Rebuild Processes / Mfg/Distribution there is a Set PO Totals and Tax Defaults process that you can run that will update those fields in all POs.


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Thanks @litzer67, that seems to have done the trick for us. I guess I didn’t even realize that those fields were not real fields in the E10.0 database. Odd that this step was not mentioned in the upgrade / installation guide - or maybe it was and I missed it?

Thanks Scott

That fixed it!!