Hi David,
If I'm reading you right, you entered an AP invoice with an Unreceived Line against a PO, the warehouse then entered two GRNs against that same PO but Vantage only let you "match" one GRN against the invoice.
Working as Designed!
We come across this same issue all the time and, while I think it's a design flaw on Epicor's part, I don't think it's actually a "bug". Therefore I don't see what custom fix Epicor can come up with, other than to un-match the GRN. If they can do that (and they'd have to delete any posted journal entries as well), then you could delete the two GRNs and enter a single combined one which could then be matched.
The only way to get rid of the Received Not Invoiced entry is to match it with an invoice so we enter a dummy AP invoice with the (unmatched) Received Lines but with NO supplier cost, ie change the supplier unit cost to 0.00 after adding the received line.
After you post your COS/WIP, everything should be ok. You can always put through a zero-value payment against the supplier to clear out the dummy invoice.
If I'm reading you right, you entered an AP invoice with an Unreceived Line against a PO, the warehouse then entered two GRNs against that same PO but Vantage only let you "match" one GRN against the invoice.
Working as Designed!
We come across this same issue all the time and, while I think it's a design flaw on Epicor's part, I don't think it's actually a "bug". Therefore I don't see what custom fix Epicor can come up with, other than to un-match the GRN. If they can do that (and they'd have to delete any posted journal entries as well), then you could delete the two GRNs and enter a single combined one which could then be matched.
The only way to get rid of the Received Not Invoiced entry is to match it with an invoice so we enter a dummy AP invoice with the (unmatched) Received Lines but with NO supplier cost, ie change the supplier unit cost to 0.00 after adding the received line.
After you post your COS/WIP, everything should be ok. You can always put through a zero-value payment against the supplier to clear out the dummy invoice.
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "nustepvantage" <dpfiester@...> wrote:
> Hi All,
> We have a situation where we had a prepaid invoice from a supplier that had more than one receiving record against a purchase order line item. What happened was we were only able to match one receiving line against the invoice line in AP. When you try to match the second receiving line against the invoice, Vantage says all invoice lines have already been matched. The Received but not Invoiced report shows the second receiving line as not invoiced when indeed it has. I'm looking for a solution to this problem and want to ask if anyone else has run into this problem and how they fixed it? I contacted tech support and they are saying I should send in a copy of my database so they can write a custom program to fix the problem. I would like to avoid that, if possible. We are running Vantage 803 406A.Thanks,
> David Pfiester
> Systems Accountant
> NuStep Inc.
> 734-769-3939 x150