Prevent dragging components on a form - i.e. lock base layouts?

Wondering if there is a way to disable dragging of components in a specific form?
i.e. enforce static layouts per form(s)?
Reason, (I feel like) I’ve wasted many hours over the years due to accidental movement of a sheet and the subsequent “Reset Layouts to…”

Maybe in E10? Where same question/answer was no for V8: Prevent dragging forms/sheets

I agree, it would be nice to have the option.

But I have found that my users are happy enough to know that if you double-click the header of the pop-out window, it snaps right back to where it came from. Assuming you have not saved or moved it somewhere else already…

Thanks, I figured an option was just wishful thinking on my part.

Whatever the reasons, I’m resetting layouts A LOT after I click on a field and in addition to the focus changing, the whole panel pops out. At least a dozen times already this morning.

I do wonder if it is just me or if this is happening as much to other users too?
Possibly related to hardware, settings or just the way I click with the mouse buttons?