Price Increase Percentage Automatically Updating Quoted Price

We are on v 5.00.329 and are looking for the best way to do a price
increase percentage to our customers. Each customer may have a
different percentage increase. ie.. Customer ABC and XYZ will have a
2% increase to all part numbers, all price breaks. All other
customers will have a 2.5% increase to all part numbers, all price
breaks. Is there a way to update prices in quotes within Vantage
automatically?? If Custom programming turns out to be the answer,
are there any things to be aware of? - Will it affect the procedure
for the database upgrade to 5.10? - Will it be any easier after the
upgrade to 5.10? Our DB is over 2GB, obviously a ton of quotes
exist. All input is greatly appreciated!!
Ann Harrell amfab@...