Print Bar Codes

Installed and working, thank you to everyone that replied.

--- In, "michael.hutcheson@..." <michael.hutcheson@...> wrote:
> Hello,
> We need to print bar codes on the job t, so with a little help from Blake, I put the tick into print bar codes on the traveller print options, and I put the tick on the Print Bar Codes Inv Config. When I print the job travller though, I jsut get large numbers between '** - no actual bar code, even on an unmodified traveller - have I missed something? I see in the help you need to install Epicor Bar 39 font - does this need to be installed on the server or each client? Do I need to pay Epicor for this?
> Thanks for any help,
> Michael
> Vantage 8.03.406

We need to print bar codes on the job t, so with a little help from Blake, I put the tick into print bar codes on the traveller print options, and I put the tick on the Print Bar Codes Inv Config. When I print the job travller though, I jsut get large numbers between '** - no actual bar code, even on an unmodified traveller - have I missed something? I see in the help you need to install Epicor Bar 39 font - does this need to be installed on the server or each client? Do I need to pay Epicor for this?

Thanks for any help,


Vantage 8.03.406
I don't know crap about barcodes in regards to Epicor, but in General you
need a "Barcode font" or something of sorts. Like you need a MiCR font for
Checks. But again, never used barcodes with epicor. But you may have to
modify your report to print those numbers using a barcode font.
Just my completely random 2C.

You would need the font on the client, and you need to modify the report to
use that font.

Which are probably incorrect.

*Jose C Gomez*
*Software Engineer*
*T: 904.469.1524 mobile
E: jose@...
<> <>
<> <>

*Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?*

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 12:30 PM, michael.hutcheson@... <
michael.hutcheson@...> wrote:

> Hello,
> We need to print bar codes on the job t, so with a little help from Blake,
> I put the tick into print bar codes on the traveller print options, and I
> put the tick on the Print Bar Codes Inv Config. When I print the job
> travller though, I jsut get large numbers between '** - no actual bar code,
> even on an unmodified traveller - have I missed something? I see in the help
> you need to install Epicor Bar 39 font - does this need to be installed on
> the server or each client? Do I need to pay Epicor for this?
> Thanks for any help,
> Michael
> Vantage 8.03.406

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
No, you don't have to pay Epicor. You can find the font needed out on the web
for free.

Chuck Trites
>Trites Consulting, Inc.
>P.O. Box 5473
>Weirs Beach, NH 03246
>Phone: (603) 219-1500

From: "michael.hutcheson@..." <michael.hutcheson@...>
Sent: Fri, March 25, 2011 12:30:06 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Print Bar Codes


We need to print bar codes on the job t, so with a little help from Blake, I put
the tick into print bar codes on the traveller print options, and I put the tick
on the Print Bar Codes Inv Config. When I print the job travller though, I jsut
get large numbers between '** - no actual bar code, even on an unmodified
traveller - have I missed something? I see in the help you need to install
Epicor Bar 39 font - does this need to be installed on the server or each
client? Do I need to pay Epicor for this?

Thanks for any help,


Vantage 8.03.406

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Just search your Epicor share for DWBAR39.TTF

It comes with Vantage. Drop that file in your C:\Windows\Fonts folder.

Restart Vantage. Done.


From: [] On Behalf
Of Chuck Trites
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2011 1:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Print Bar Codes

No, you don't have to pay Epicor. You can find the font needed out on
the web
for free.

Chuck Trites
>chuck_trites@... <>
>Trites Consulting, Inc.
>P.O. Box 5473
>Weirs Beach, NH 03246
>Phone: (603) 219-1500

From: "michael.hutcheson@...
<> "
<> >
To: <>
Sent: Fri, March 25, 2011 12:30:06 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Print Bar Codes


We need to print bar codes on the job t, so with a little help from
Blake, I put
the tick into print bar codes on the traveller print options, and I put
the tick
on the Print Bar Codes Inv Config. When I print the job travller though,
I jsut
get large numbers between '** - no actual bar code, even on an
traveller - have I missed something? I see in the help you need to
Epicor Bar 39 font - does this need to be installed on the server or
client? Do I need to pay Epicor for this?

Thanks for any help,


Vantage 8.03.406

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
On 3/25/2011 12:30 PM, michael.hutcheson@... wrote:
> I see in the help you need to install Epicor Bar 39 font - does this need to be installed on the server or each client? Do I need to pay Epicor for this?

The font file should be somewhere in the Epicor directory on the server.
Or you can find them on the 'net. Either way it needs to be installed
on the client you're printing from, not the server.

Also make sure you are using the PCL 6 print driver.


Rich Wagner
2148 Century Drive
Jefferson Hills, PA 15025
Phone: (412) 384-3100 x159
Fax: (412) 384-2033<>

From: [] On Behalf Of wayne
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2011 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Print Bar Codes

On 3/25/2011 12:30 PM, michael.hutcheson@...<> wrote:
> I see in the help you need to install Epicor Bar 39 font - does this need to be installed on the server or each client? Do I need to pay Epicor for this?

The font file should be somewhere in the Epicor directory on the server.
Or you can find them on the 'net. Either way it needs to be installed
on the client you're printing from, not the server.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Needs to be on each client that will print bar codes.

I would also consider using 2D barcodes which can hold a lot more information
and tend to be (from experience) easier to read with a 2D scanner.

With the 2D barcode font (an add-on for Crystal), you can add formulas to your
barcodes so you can include tabs etc which make the user's job so much easier.
Google PDF417 Font Ware ...

We use this one

From: "michael.hutcheson@..." <michael.hutcheson@...>
Sent: Fri, 25 March, 2011 16:30:06
Subject: [Vantage] Print Bar Codes


We need to print bar codes on the job t, so with a little help from Blake, I put
the tick into print bar codes on the traveller print options, and I put the tick
on the Print Bar Codes Inv Config. When I print the job travller though, I jsut
get large numbers between '** - no actual bar code, even on an unmodified
traveller - have I missed something? I see in the help you need to install
Epicor Bar 39 font - does this need to be installed on the server or each
client? Do I need to pay Epicor for this?

Thanks for any help,


Vantage 8.03.406

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