Print Preview blacked out

I have a few users who get there print preview blacked out when it pops up. They usually have to try to view it several times before it will show. I am thinking this is an adobe issue and what going to try to reinstall adobe.

It was an Adobe issue for us too.
The users had to go into full screen mode, then escape out, and then it would display the PDF.

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We do have this issue on one user…
I close Epicor, delete the local Epicor folder to clear the cache and it goes back to work again…until next failure.

So you guys had to re-install Acrobat? solves the issue? or it came back…?


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We reinstalled Adobe and the issue was fixed. Thanks.

we just reinstalled adobe and works fine now. In my opinion adobe can be finicky and usually needs to be reinstalled at some point in its life.

First post on these forums, glad I joined.

I have this issue as well. reinstalling wouldn’t work or was only temporary.

However I was able to replicate this issue.
It might sound strange but it works…

When you click on print preview, if the cursor stays on the icon. the PDF will be blacked out.
If you move your cursor away from the icon after you click on it the PDF will be fine.

It’s definitely a Adobe issue, use a different PDF Viewer like FoxIt Reader. Never have a black screen with that.

has anyone been able to advise if they are getting the same issue with any other applications that open Adobe when the black screen issue starts, or is it just Epicor generated PDF’s?