Print Quote Form without checking 'quoted'


Is there a way of printing the Quote Form without the ‘quoted’ checkbox being ticked?

We are using the quote interface to engineer orders but would like to send out an order confirmation based on manually typed lines before the order has been completely engineered as this can take several days.

Any insight would be much appreciated.

We had to do the same just internally for approval of what was sent to the customer, by the sales manager. I created another menu available under actions (so added a new item in toolbar)

So you may try to implement the following:

//Variable declaration: 
Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool NewTool = new   Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool("PrtPreviewSoum");

//Under InitializeCustomcode()
NewTool.ToolClick += new Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolClickEventHandler(NewTool_ToolClick);

//Under DestroyCustomCode()
NewTool.ToolClick -= new Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolClickEventHandler(NewTool_ToolClick);

//Under Quoteform load event:
//create a new button tool for UltraWinToolbars
		// set the Properties of the new menu
	       NewTool.SharedProps.Caption = " Quote Preview ";
	       NewTool.SharedProps.Enabled = false;
	       NewTool.SharedProps.Visible = true;
	       NewTool.SharedProps.AppearancesSmall.Appearance.Image = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromHicon(SystemIcons.Application.Handle);
		 // add the new created button tool to Action Menu

//Then add the function:

private void NewTool_ToolClick(object sender,Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolClickEventArgs args)
      // Add your action Here
		if( CurrentQuote.Length > 0 )
	public void LaunchPreview(string QNum)
		Ice.Lib.Framework.LaunchFormOptions lfo = new Ice.Lib.Framework.LaunchFormOptions();
		lfo.ValueIn = QNum;

We added a filigrane across the report if quoted is false, it shows PREVIEW in light grey. But for you you would not need to… but I may suggest some other way to indicate that this quote sent to the customer is not final maybe…

Hope this helps



Thanks very much! It’s worked perfectly. We’ll use this to add menu items in other places too…