Print screen in stand alone app

You can also hit the Ctrl+Alt+PrintScreen key combo to copy a screenshot of the application that currently has the focus to your clipboard. Then use Paint or Word to print it. Ctrl+PrintScreen does the entire desktop.

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We have a tooling application that is run parallel to Vantage and shares
some common tables. If the application is run with in Vantage we can use
the F6 print screen function to output tool info. If we run the app
stand alone, not called from within Vantage, the F6 function does not
work even if Vantage is open. Is this screen printing a Progress or
Epicor creation and can it be called from a home grown application?


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I use a freeware program called ScreenPrint32 v3.5 which once installed
you just push the PrintScreen key and it allows you to either print the
whole screen or choose what area you want to print. Its very simply and
will work with any program, you can probably find it on CNet or Tucows.


From: [] On Behalf
Of Keith Mailloux
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 4:32 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Print screen in stand alone app

We have a tooling application that is run parallel to Vantage and shares
some common tables. If the application is run with in Vantage we can use
the F6 print screen function to output tool info. If we run the app
stand alone, not called from within Vantage, the F6 function does not
work even if Vantage is open. Is this screen printing a Progress or
Epicor creation and can it be called from a home grown application?


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