Printing & Print Preview not working

It was a data entry problem.  Someone entered a record with the wrong ShipTo info.  The ShipToNum was valid but had the wrong CustNum.  That caused a Type 3 error on the ShipTo info while trying to print, which crashed the print spooler on the server, & was ruining printing for everyone.
Thanks Jason & Amelie for your help!  VERY appreciated!!!!

Sorry if this has been brought up previously.  Searching in Yahoo groups isn't working at the moment & I'm trying to get this resolved.

We're on Vantage 8.03.404B sitting on a Progress db.  Users are unable to print preview or print native-Vantage reports.  We've bounced the server twice, and I've verified that all app servers are up & running.  

I see where Vantage is outputting the xml for a given Crystal Report while trying to print or print preview, but nothing happens.  

What is the connection between that xml & the Crystal Report?  How is that report generated?  

THANKS in advance for any/all help!!!

Hi!  There is a big probably that the report are not in cause....  Go to:  system management / system monitor/ go to the action menu and select "display all task".  Then, go in the report tab and select one of the report.  You can then click print preview to see if the old report the person tried to print is visible to you. 

If not:  maybe the Crystal report viewer version is not the good one on the server and the computer were epicor is.

If not, do and look at the xml of the report.  See if you can see all the xml information or if there is an error at the end of it.  If so, it means the Crystal report is not good anymore. 

To go and see the Crystal report: \\epicor\Epicor905\Server\reports.  Open the Crystal report in cause and see what is going on if you make a preview of this one directly in Crystal.

You can always look at the link between the menu and the Crystal report in report style.  You have a lot of information in report data definiton.  All in the "company" menu.

I think we're narrowing it down.  This is happening with a specific AR Invoice Group.  We cleared the print spooler on the server & we're now able to print/print preview everything except this specific AR Invoice Group (couldn't get anything to print or print preview before).  
So basically we've pretty much confirmed that this invoice group is crashing the print spooler.  
Looking at System Monitor, the offending Invoice Group is throwing a Type 3 Task Error.  Message:  Ship To Record Not found.  Happening in the DoInvcHeadCalculations method.  
However, I'm querying the InvcDtl.ShipToNum & the ShipTo table & seeing that everything looks fine.  
One additional thing you could try is to print using the standard invoice report style. This should narrow down if you have a BAQ out of whack or if it is missing data.

Jason Claggett
Vice President of Technology
2W Technologies, Inc.
Epicor Certified Partner
312.533.4033 x8039
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