Yes they match. The issue is with the Required Quantity and the Available Quantity being the same in the grid. It is not even looking apparently, at the On-Hand Quantity or demand, but echoing the Required Quantity.
Can you verify this is the same sitch on your system?
George Hicks
Can you verify this is the same sitch on your system?
George Hicks
--- In, Mark Wonsil <mark_wonsil@...> wrote:
> > In productin Planner Workbench, when you look at the "Jobs With Full Availability" tab in the top grid, for a job that is marked as not released, and then in the bottom grid select the "Available For Job" tab.
> > The "Available" column and the "Required QTY" are the same values. Verify by looking at the QOH for a part there, and you see that you may NOT have any on hand, but the "Available" field leads you to believe that you do.
> >
> > I am trying to work with support on this issue but am really getting nowhere.
> > Does anyone else who uses this Workbench see this and can confirm it for me?
> If you go to Part Tracker for that particular part, does the Warehouse
> qty match the summed qty of the bins?
> Mark W.