Progress Server Log (V8.03, OE 10.1B)

We’ve been having some issues with users accessing V8 (they do it via a Published Web App on the LAN)

I jumped on the App Server and tried to run the Admin tools, but got the error:
You have attempted to connect to a database with too many
users connected to it. Retry the connection later,
or increase -n on the server. (5291)

So I ask everyone to get out, and restart the AppServer and DB (just via the Progress Explorer Tool - not a server reset). That fixed it.

To see if I could determine a root cause, I went into the server logs and found the following error in

[16/09/20@17:08:08.488-0400] P-004312 T-005584 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'acquireLicenseUnlimited manager/Session.p' Line:2316) ** LicUser already exists with SessionType "PS" LicNum 47. (132)

That error was repeated every 2-3 minutes (not an exact interval) - right up until the time the scheduled AppServer and DB restart batch file ran.

Any Ideas of what might have caused the “acquireLicenseUnlimited” errors?


My guess is that “Can Suspend” is causing this issue.

On the user records (System Mgt > Security Maint > User Security) is “Can Suspend” checked for any/all of your users? If there is any disruption in connection between the client and the appserver, that will cause the 7224/7115 but when “Can Suspend” is enabled, the business logic assumes a perfect reestablishment of connectivity which doesn’t happen when a 7224/7115 error occurs. Honestly, unless your users have a device that they need to keep their client session open while “pausing” the session to move to another network connection, all users should have “Can Suspend” unchecked.

Hope that helps

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