We’ve been having some issues with users accessing V8 (they do it via a Published Web App on the LAN)
I jumped on the App Server and tried to run the Admin tools, but got the error:
You have attempted to connect to a database with too many
users connected to it. Retry the connection later,
or increase -n on the server. (5291)
So I ask everyone to get out, and restart the AppServer and DB (just via the Progress Explorer Tool - not a server reset). That fixed it.
To see if I could determine a root cause, I went into the server logs and found the following error in
[16/09/20@17:08:08.488-0400] P-004312 T-005584 1 AS -- (Procedure: 'acquireLicenseUnlimited manager/Session.p' Line:2316) ** LicUser already exists with SessionType "PS" LicNum 47. (132)
That error was repeated every 2-3 minutes (not an exact interval) - right up until the time the scheduled AppServer and DB restart batch file ran.
Any Ideas of what might have caused the “acquireLicenseUnlimited” errors?