Project Billing

We use the Project Module and are looking for some help regarding Billing

Up until now, we have used the Milestone Billing function, the biggest limitation with this is the Milestone can only be linked to one line on a Sales Order, we often have SO’s with more than one line and it means we have to do separate Milestones for each line
Does anyone know if there is a similar invoicing method in Projects as the AR Deposit Invoicing?

I have looked at the invoicing methods under the “Contract” tab in Projects but nothing jumps out

What we are trying to achieve is a billing schedule with dates on it to help with forecasting invoicing, but only have it link to the SO and not the SO line

Regards Lawson

Hi, does each line need a milestone?

What we have is, we will quote on a large site project with say 3 different areas, the client wants that broken down on the quote + a freight line on the quote, we convert the quote to order, so 4 lines on the Sales order have values on them, when it comes to billing we would like to build one billing schedule like you can under the Contract tab in Projects but we would like to apply it across the order and not to a specific line of the order

Have you checked out the Fixed Fee billing option? It seems to be based on the construction model where there are prescriptive steps (foundation, rough-in, electrical, etc.) and the amount is known in advance. It’s like milestone billing but there is an extra inspection/approval step before billing is allowed. There’s more set up and the paperwork (orders/invoices) could use some work visually but if your organization works in a similar model, it may work out for you. Fixed Fee is part of the Advanced Billing option.

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Hello @Mark_Wonsil, I have looked at and done some testing with the Fixed Fee idea and I like it but it also has to be connected to one line of the SO,
I’ve noticed you can add any value to the schedule (more than the value of the SO line) so I’m thinking it may be able to work

For instance, if Line 1 of the SO was $10k, Line 2 was $20k, the Schedule will let me do $30k against line 1
When we do the final shipment it closes out the SO

What I’m not sure about is how and if it will affect any GL posting etc, I will do some more testing

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Ok, @Mark_Wonsil, everything posts correctly, and as soon as you add the first project invoice you can no longer do shipment invoices against it which is good, but when we run the AR Shipped Not Invoiced report after we have finish the Project invoicing and shipped it all, it shows up on the report as not invoiced
In Order Tracker you can see the Invoice and the shipments, and the shipment lines are not marked as invoiced

This is a little confusing for some, I may have to do a modified report and grid

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