Project Management Tools

How do others keep track of internal projects, tasks, requirements, etc. Please note we’re a small company with no project managers… I’ve historically used Asana as it’s free and helps me to keep on top of things, but ownership doesn’t like it and has asked me to look for a new tool.

Wondering what tools others like that they can recommend.

Asana taught me to despise email. :rofl:

Do you have Office 365? The Tasks by Planner is more like Trello than Asana but it’s a nice lightweight PM tool that nags people to finish tasks like Asana does.


I also use planner. I’ve even figured out how to use power automate (flow) to upload tasks from Excel. Biggest downfall is reporting is cumbersome.

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The nice thing is that all the data is just a REST call away and you can report as you wish.

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amoreng/TeamsBridge: A .NET Core Web API designed to create Planner Tasks with Microsoft Graph API (

For those curious about getting started with the Planner API, I had created an API to call the Planner API with the intent to send requests from Epicor to the middle layer API to create planner tasks. I didn’t end up implementing as Planner is quite immature feature-wise compared to things like Trello or Asana, but it is included with your 365 sub.


We are using Clickup. You create a task and can move it to a progress point. It’s user friendly and visually easy to understand. We are using it as our project management schedule instead of epcior.

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