Project Module, Invoiced to Date not adding up

Looking for help on why my Invoiced to Date is not adding up correctly. Does anyone know the background of how this amount is calculated? Currently the amount does not add up to any of the invoice’s we have posted. It should be showing $175,351.00 not $52,025.00.

Have you looked into the Customer Terms? That also affect the calculations

No, I have not because it should be based on invoicing not terms would be my thought.

Has build project analysis been run and all invoiced crested and posted?

Yes and Yes, My problem is we did not know how to set up the project and the Invoicing Method and Revenue Recognition drop downs have changed. I’m trying to figure out how to correct the invoiced to date as the project is done and fully invoiced now.

I’m wondering if there is a data conversion or a recalc process that could be run… Not in front of Kinetic to check Atm.

Looked into this a bit more…

Been a while since I touched project management. I do recall having this issue in E9, but for the life of me can’t remember what the solution was.

What do your values in revenue recognition show? They should show similar.

Is it possible that the revenue recognition method got changed after invoices started being applied (not sure if that would create any differences)?

The have there been any credit memos raised?

I checked conversions and Rebuild processes there is nothing specific I can see around the Projects…

Failing that my suggestion is log a ticket with Support…

I would be interested to know what the issue was so please keep us posted.