Provision users - Vantage Export

I'm not sure posting Epicor's dbf source code to this list is entirely
legal. The export utility generated source code posted on the list is
dependant on the structure of the vantage programs, and is cryptic at best. is what I used in the past for

However, this code doesn't create an index file, which is absolutely
necessary for linking two dbf's.

If you absolutely must use DBF files, then I'd recommend purchasing a third
party activex control from VBExtras or another vendor. However, I strongly
favor the use of CSV or XML files instead.

Thaddeus Jacobs
Information Solutions Developer
Kinematic Automation, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: pile_of_34 [mailto:peter.paasch@...]
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 9:33 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Provision users - Vantage Export

--- In vantage@y..., "Keith . Mailloux" <kmailloux@f...> wrote:
> I am trying to build an export routine using Provision so I can
automate the
> export using the Windows scheduler. I have looked at both the
Output To
> function as well as the Export function, is there a way to specify
the data
> be exported to a .dbf file. I see the syntax for delimited output
but that
> requires an added step. Does the export feature in Vantage store
> Progress code somewhere or just the query syntax?
> Thanks
> Keith Mailbox
> 5.10.125

I thought you might be able to use a little more info. Go to
progress website and download the pdf called "Progress External
Program Interfaces" This give you information on how you can use 4GL
to access DLL function and how you use activeX to automate
application like ACCESS and EXCEL to import you data without adding
any manual steps.

Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must have
already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
(1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder and
Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
(2) To search through old msg's goto:
(3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
I am trying to build an export routine using Provision so I can automate the
export using the Windows scheduler. I have looked at both the Output To
function as well as the Export function, is there a way to specify the data
be exported to a .dbf file. I see the syntax for delimited output but that
requires an added step. Does the export feature in Vantage store actual
Progress code somewhere or just the query syntax?

Keith Mailbox

At 08:47 AM 7/10/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>I am trying to build an export routine using Provision so I can automate the
>....Does the export feature in Vantage store actual Progress code
>somewhere or just the query syntax?

Back at Vantage 3.0, the export utility spit out a couple chunks of
Progress code in \VntgWork that ran the query and generated the export
file. With a little trickery, you could capture the source code and use it
as a template to write your own. I did that and there should still be a
sample of it on our files page at Yahoo. (check misc or Progress)

Unfortunately, at 4.0 when the much improved export utility came out, that
trick no longer worked. However, Epicor's subroutine that created the .DBF
still functioned the same and older programs that called it still
worked. I never tested it at 5.0, but if it works and you don't mind the
chane of it "breaking" at the next version you could use that.

Somewhere out on the'net there's source to a Progress program to do it
also. Try Googling for it, or check the links at

-Wayne Cox
Twenty Three -- Information Technology Consulting
--- In vantage@y..., "Keith . Mailloux" <kmailloux@f...> wrote:
> I am trying to build an export routine using Provision so I can
automate the
> export using the Windows scheduler. I have looked at both the
Output To
> function as well as the Export function, is there a way to specify
the data
> be exported to a .dbf file. I see the syntax for delimited output
but that
> requires an added step. Does the export feature in Vantage store
> Progress code somewhere or just the query syntax?
> Thanks
> Keith Mailbox
> 5.10.125

Try posting this message on I think you will
have an answer in no time.
--- In vantage@y..., "Keith . Mailloux" <kmailloux@f...> wrote:
> I am trying to build an export routine using Provision so I can
automate the
> export using the Windows scheduler. I have looked at both the
Output To
> function as well as the Export function, is there a way to specify
the data
> be exported to a .dbf file. I see the syntax for delimited output
but that
> requires an added step. Does the export feature in Vantage store
> Progress code somewhere or just the query syntax?
> Thanks
> Keith Mailbox
> 5.10.125

I thought you might be able to use a little more info. Go to
progress website and download the pdf called "Progress External
Program Interfaces" This give you information on how you can use 4GL
to access DLL function and how you use activeX to automate
application like ACCESS and EXCEL to import you data without adding
any manual steps.