Prowin32 Error

Have you tried re-registering the ocx files? I have seen this before when
scheduling. Let me know and can send you a batch file to do this.

Roy Bosworth
Senior Manager IT/MIS

-----Original Message-----
From: L. D. Eates [mailto:leates@...]
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2000 5:28 AM
To: Vantage (E-mail)
Subject: [Vantage] Prowin32 Error

We are running 3.00.632 and I keep getting a Prowin32 error on only one
machine and only when we go into job entry and try to create a job. It works
fine the rest of the time. The machine is running Win98. Any suggestions on
how to correct this problem. Thanks.

L. D. Eates

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