PSA for your elders and a little venting

So there used to be a time when scammers put fourth bare minimum effort in order to attract and catch the less educate, most gullible in our population and while that still exists there is now a new breed of scammer that goes a long way in a conn to such an extent that even the smart educated and well trained people can fall. Admiration is not the right word, but the extent in which the scammer below went through to get some money out of my mother is technically impressive.

Story Time

My mother is in her mid 70’s and as a good son I have always taught her to be careful on the internet and for the most part she is. To put it in perspective she has a different password for every website, something I bet…you reading this probably don’t do.

Anyway, yesterday I got a call from Mom that she wanted to come over to talk about something. When she arrived she told me she needed to borrow some money and she didn’t want to tell me why because it was a surprise. I’m a good son, but I’m not an idiot and so I pressed her and she confessed that a friend had gotten her into a bitcoin investment site and that she had invested some money and was poised for a huge windfall and there was an opportunity to invest a little more and double the pay out.

When I was done screaming at her for being such a fool (no I’m not proud of it)… I was able to get the details and start to unravel what happened and how. A couple of months back she was approached by a friend of hers (a real life , flesh and blood friend) who told her about this opportunity and about how much money she was making and how if she brought her into the investment they’d both get bonuses. (That’s righ the scammers are now using their own victims to recruit other victims complete with referral links)

My mother headed to the site and checked it out: <- didn't make it a link on purpose

Then she used her referal URL

to create an account. This was the referral URL that was given to her by her friend.

Now once there she was prompted to go into her CashApp and purchase some bitcoin within cash app and send the resulting coin to a wallet address provided in this app. She verified with her friend that this is what she did as well and proceeded to deposit money into her cash app, buy bitcoin (something that cash app makes all too easy) and sent her bitcoin away. (Now this is a bitcoin investment scam and it is hilarious to think that you are buying bitcoin in cash app so you can invest in bitcoin… :man_facepalming:)

Once she made the transfers the deposits showed up in her Deficrypto Exchange Immediately

And within a couple of days her investment of 4900 dollars had “grown” to over 50K

Now technically this thing is pretty impressive it has a few LIVE tickers for bitcoin and other coins that are legit, you can see your total deposit amount as well as your portfolio size and growth over time. You can Trade (buy more), Withdraw (they conveniently ask for bank account info here… you know… so they can deposit your earnings)

And they have a LIVE SUPPORT CHAT where you can talk to an agent. Further more she only deposited 3K but she got her referral bonus which boosted her to 4900

Then they use something called Universal Crypto Signals which are “opportunities” to immediately grow your investment

These “deals” create a sense of urgency by telling you you have a certain number of days to invest into a “Signal” which will give you a crazy (immediate ROI). In this case the only signal that is available to her is one that costs a just a little more than her total account value and once you enable it it says oh, you only get it if you have an ACTIVE TRADE

and ofcourse the minimum investment is just a LITTLE higher than your current holdings

There are a lot more features here that make it easy to get scammed, if you go to just buy crypto they tell you to send payment to this wallet:


Or you can pay with a gift card for Sephora… or Apple

Anyway this is an impressive amount of work for a scam. Her friend still doubling down on how many millions she is making (she’s never gotten a payout cause its “growing”) my mom is also having a hard time coming to terms with this scam. She lost 3K (all her savings and it hurts) she swears she is going to get it back any minute and cash out her winnings.

There are plenty of signs and cracks if you are smart enough, their home page is a wordpress site poorly configured and a bunch of the links don’t work… but it is impressive enough that with a little influence from a foolish friend people can fall for it.

I’m filing stuff with the FBI and Crime Bureau etc not that it is going to do any good, but I wanted to share this PSA because the attack didn’t come from a random person on the internet it was a close friend and that makes it so much easier.


When I started reading this I thought you were going to tell us the story of a certain friend who thought they had won $1000 from a local car dealer.


What happened to the good old days when they would call up Grandma and ask for bail money for one of the grand kids :pensive:

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I remember back in like 2008 my cousin called me and told me I had to call my Grandmother because apparently I was in jail in the Bahamas and needed bail money. Fortunately my Grandmother is a trust but verify kinda lady (and one that would let ANY of her grand kids sit in jail for a day or two because you probably did something to deserve it).


Scary thing is nowadays is they can probably make a deep fake video of people who have uploaded too much social media stuff asking for bail money. Things are changing fast, and I’m old enough that sounds scary instead of cool.

How did I get old so early

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So when I talked to Grandma about the call the she said she asked who it was and the scammer said “Well who does it sound like grandma?” So apparently they sounded a bit like me over the phone so… Yeah. Trust nothing. Invest in nothing. F the kid that calls for bail money they probably deserve a night in jail anyways LOL.


I follow scammer payback and kitboga on youtube and see this kind of thing all the time from what they do. It is truly amazing, terrifying and awful the sophistication that they go to now and how target people and just drain them.

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Not as bad, but my father was taken in by something similar. And a number of other older folks over the years - from the simple to the complex, but I’ve NEVER seen anything this complex.

There’s a special place in Hell for people like this. Right next to child and animal abusers, and of course lawyers. If I end up down there, I’m applying for the Lead Torturer position.

clive barker hellraiser GIF by Shudder


Pre-Internet, it was bringing in uncut diamonds from Nigeria, and once cut in the US, the value would skyrocket I tell you! This one got a family member. :frowning_face:


I Think You Should Leave Tim Robinson GIF by NETFLIX


Man Jose, I am sorry to hear this. It’s extremely sad that this is how much effort they put into scamming people. My Grandma also was scammed when she was alive, but by a door to door salesman who convinced her that she needed a new roof and took payment and all that when the roof was like new.

I am also impressed that your Grandma could navigate and understand everything about this site and use the features.

Sorry again this happened and thanks for sharing.

And I am impressed that she has a separate password for everything. That’s great!


Psst… @utaylor it’s his mother not grandmother. :upside_down_face:


Man, what a shame.

That’s one of the most noticeable downsides of how easy it is to build a website nowadays. Definitely makes it easy for folks to trust the legitimacy of the site when it looks like most other businesses/platforms out there that are also built on WP.

Sorry this happened Jose and thanks for sharing. Some friends and I were just talking about how sophisticated the scamming world has gotten in the past couple of years.

Crazy times.

I was so busy yesterday, I forgot to post back.

Under the game piece, stuck down with glue, there was a disclaimer that the prize shown did not represent the prize actually won.

Fine print all over it, that I read with a fine tooth comb. They hid the actual relevant bit.
I’m not sure it’s legal, but now you know the “rest of the story”.


sue em for $1000 :laughing:

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It was early when I read that I’m sorry @josecgomez … nonetheless kudos to your mother for her security posture.


Yeah the sad part is that she didn’t tell me cause she was trying to surprise us with her windfall and take us on a nice trip etc.

Its heartbreaking


I’m sorry man

I surely should get the solution here!