Publishing Vantage on Citrix

There are instructions for this located on the Vantage's Eportal. They
should come up if you log on to EPortal and search for citrix under Vantage.
Have you already found and tried following those?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
We just got our Citrix box set up and running O.K. with Vantage installed as
a client. We want to "publish" Vantage as an app on Citrix but I'm told you
can't publish an app that's not installed on Citrix. Does that mean I have
to do a full server install of Vantage on the Citrix box? Does anyone out
there have Vantage set up as a "published" citrix app?

Greg Clauser
Lakin General Corporation
We have ours installed as a published app. We installed
the client on our Citrix server through add/remove programs.
Then we used the command line of
"R:\Vantage\Vantage.exe R:\Vantage\VantCit.vtg"

The VantCit.vtg file is exactly the same as the Vantage.vtg
file, except the location of the c:\vntgwork directory has
been changed to w:\vntgwork, where w: is the client's
homedrive on the citrix server.

If you have any questions, let me know, and I 'll try to
help. Good Luck.

Tim Care
Electro Chemical Finishing

----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Clauser" <gclauser@...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 2:34 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Publishing Vantage on Citrix

> We just got our Citrix box set up and running O.K. with Vantage installed
> a client. We want to "publish" Vantage as an app on Citrix but I'm told
> can't publish an app that's not installed on Citrix. Does that mean I
> to do a full server install of Vantage on the Citrix box? Does anyone out
> there have Vantage set up as a "published" citrix app?
> Greg Clauser
> Lakin General Corporation
> gclauser@...
We have just installed Citrix and would like to publish Vantage to
the users desktop. I can publish any application that is local to
the server but I have not been successful with publishing Vantage.
Is there anything special that needs to be done to publish a network

Othy Inc.