I am writing a Purchase Price Variance report to match the INV-WIP report for Purchase Variance account.
The last report was run from 3/1/2017 and 3/31/2017. This is returning all transactions in this time range, even if transactions were created on 4/4/2017.
I am using the PartTran table to get my values. Everything matches one-to-one for all entries between 3/1/2017 and 3/31/2017. However, I am missing all of the transactions between 4-1-2017 and 4-1-2017. They are not in the PartTran table at all.
They all appear to be ADJ-PUR transaction types for Supplier Invoice not matching the PO.
Is there a different place I should look for these transactions that were created after the end of the month.