The Vantage process for this is to have a job to transform the material (prior to service) to another p/n-material (after service).
The job would contain a subcontract operation with the vendor specified & this would result in a suggestion for a subcontract (service) PO.
While Vantage has a few odd unique wrinkles in the process, it is basically the same process every system I've used (or seen) in 25+ years handles this.
The job would contain a subcontract operation with the vendor specified & this would result in a suggestion for a subcontract (service) PO.
While Vantage has a few odd unique wrinkles in the process, it is basically the same process every system I've used (or seen) in 25+ years handles this.
--- On Wed, 4/1/09, jamarengo <marengo.james@...> wrote:
From: jamarengo <marengo.james@...>
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Purchasing a service
Date: Wednesday, April 1, 2009, 11:20 AM
Actually, I want to purchase the service "Localization" which does not have a physical deliverable. I have worked with service part numbers in the past but how do I "receive" the purchase order without plussing up inventory?
--- In vantage@yahoogroups .com, "brz_larson" <bl_larson@. ..> wrote:
> If I understand your request, you want to order your documentation, but still want a part number on the PO for tracking. But you do not want to create a part master as you will not be tracking inventory etc.
> Vantage allows you to create a part number on the fly. It does not require you to set up a master. The benefit of the part master is to have default values set up, like Part Class and Product group to name a couple.
> Even with a part on the fly, you can set the part class on the PO to track your expenses into various buckets depending on the documentation that you are printing.
> Brz in Mpls.
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups .com, "jamarengo" <marengo.james@ > wrote:
> >
> > Our company contracts localization of our documentation via purchase orders in our "traditional" process. As we migrate to Vantage, I am looking for a way to continue to do this. We are, essentially, purchasing a service as the deliverable is a PDF. We will later turn that PDF over to a print vendor who will print the books. Short of creating a "dummy" part number, how do I do this?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Jim Marengo
> >