Purchasing Suggestions 5.0

At 10:42 AM 11/14/2001, you wrote:
>Can anyone confirm if the purchasing suggestions are being blocked when
>the jobs have not been scheduled? I'm trying to figure out why I can see
>some items, but not everything. Help does not address it. This is
>different from 4.0, in that the job release status had an effect on
>purchasing suggestions.

We just had an Epicor consultant (David Schlafman) in for a couple days,
and he enlightened me to some new stuff in 5.0 purchasing I never would
have made the connection on!

5.0 adds a list of user ids to each buyer code, that are allowed to update
or approve that buyer's POs. It also comes into play in suggestions. If
user "jsmith" is in the Authorized User list for buyer "sbrown" then jsmith
will see all sbrown's suggestions, as well as his own. But another buyer
that's not on sbrown's list won't see them.

Generate Suggestions pulls the buyer from Part Class and Operation, so
you'll need legit buyer codes on those. There's also a "system default"
option you can check on a buyer code - not sure how the comes into play
with all this.

-Wayne Cox
Can anyone confirm if the purchasing suggestions are being blocked when the
jobs have not been scheduled? I'm trying to figure out why I can see some
items, but not everything. Help does not address it. This is different
4.0, in that the job release status had an effect on purchasing suggestions.


Rhonda S. Sherer, Purchasing Agent
Reeder & Kline Machine Co., Inc

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