Qty received into inspection

Back in 2019 it looks like a buyer received their PO and clicked the “inspection” box by accident. How do I get this qty out of inspection?

Inspection Processing screen.

That’s the thing, we don’t have the module where inspection processing is held.

You don’t have Quality at all?

We have quality control but not through Epicor. Out IT wrote another software program for us. Not sure why. I have only been here 3 years and this was done way prior to me coming on board.

I’m not sure how to process that without the Quality module. You could ask for a data fix or create an updatable dashboard. :man_shrugging:

Thanks John. Yep I think I need to put in a ticket.

RcvDtl has InspectionRequired and InspectionPending

I think you may find they didn’t, it was checked on the PO line by mistake

So if the receipt has not been invoiced, unreceive, and then change the checkbox on the PO Line. If it has been invoiced… Hmmm :thinking:

There is a KB0111642 on this that gives you the detail…Inspection required can be applied on the Job Material and Part class forms as well the supplier form

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