Quantity Completed by SC Operation


Good morning,
I am trying to create a BAQ to show me the number of parts through a given subcontract operation. I use the LaborDtl table to sum all the production quantities for a given job/asm/opr. What details can I sum to know how many parts were received back from the SC op? I looked at the RcvDtl table, and the PO tables, but none of them reference an operation.
Thanks for your time!

PORel has job fields to link to.

Yes, it has Job and Asm, but I need to link to Operation. I just found that JobOper has a system updated field called QtyComplete, and that gets updated by SC ops and labor data. I will use that for now. I think that is probably the best bet.

FWIW PORel does have a link to the OP.

JobSeqType indicates the type of relation, S for subcontract.

JobSeq will be the Op sequence. This data translates directly to RcvDtl when a receipt is made against the PO release.


PartTran has the same.

So, if you wanted/needed to you could bounce PODetail through PartTran where TranType = “PUR-SUB”

JobSeqType = “S”
JobSeq = the operation number.

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Actually… RcvDtl ALSO has those fields.

RcvDtl.JobSeqType = “S”

RcvDtl.JobSeq (op sequence)

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You guys are blowing my mind! I had no idea Epicor would reuse an opseq field and call it jobseq. makes total sense! :exploding_head:
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