QuickShip Error

I was wondering if anyone came across this error when try to Freight from QuickShip and got this error.
I’m using FedEx as Carrier and their Test Account.

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Insite.Ship.Model.Carriers.BaseCarrierService.GenerateShippingDocuments(ShipRequestParameter shipRequestParameter, CarrierServiceShipResponse response)
at Manifest.Ship.CarrierService.FedEx2018.CarrierServiceFedEx.GenerateShippingDocuments(ShipRequestParameter shipRequestParameter, CarrierServiceShipResponse response)
at Manifest.Ship.CarrierService.FedEx2018.CarrierServiceFedEx.Ship(ShipShipmentRequestParameter shipRequestParameter)
at Insite.Ship.Model.Services.Shipment.ShipShipmentService.Ship(String carrierName, String shipmentId, String currentWorkstationId, String currentUserLoginId, Boolean isHazmatReportPrint, Boolean isRequestFromQuickShip)
at Manifest.Ship.Services.Implementations.ShipmentService.ProcessShipment(ShipmentModelforSave shipmentModelforSave, String registrationCode, String userName)

This error indicates a carrier ship via setup problem. If its the test account, be sure you test only the shipping codes that are activated.

Thanks for the tip Mazin! How can i find out which shipping code that are activated for the test account? I’m not seeing in the install guide. Maybe I missed…

Click on Setup (the Gear icon), then Ship Codes (the Truck icon).
You have to map the ship codes you have set up in Epicor to corresponding carriers service type.