Quote DMT not updating QuoteQty.DocUnitPrice field

I’m having trouble updating the QuoteQty.DocUnitPrice field in an unquoted opportunity/quote using the DMT. I am using the following template fields: Company, QuoteNum, QuoteLine, PartNum, QuoteQty#DocUnitPrice and QuoteQty#SellingQuantity. Any help would be appreciated.

Also include the QuoteQty#UnitPrice field.

also try docdspunitprice instead of docunitprice. there are very many unit price fields on the quote tables and you need to hit the right one with the DMT if you want the others to fill correctly.

Thanks Brian. I will give it a try.

Thanks Mike. I don’t see docdspunitprice available in the quoteqty template. Is it in another template?

Sorry, quotedtl template not quoteqty.

Sorry - try QuoteDtl.DocDspExpUnitPrice