paul, now you are getting into engineering procedures and ECO processes. Our Engineers create 2xxxxx parts for drawings that start out as R & D parts which may or may not get assigned to a 71xxxxxxx part#. We also use 9xxxx part#s for our electronics R &D parts. Thats the extent of our part number ranges.
All approved production level, purchased and or manufactured parts get a sequential 71xxxxxxx part#. Engineers used to check out the next sequential part# in a manual number generator system but now they search in Vantage for the last 71XXXXXXX part# entered and select the next one in sequence and enter it into Vantage. Is this what you mean?
"Paul V. Blais" <pblais@...> wrote:
I guess the better question was how did you come up with your internal
number parts? Did you use some sort of system, or just on like a next
number type things and the description contains all the pertinent info.
Sorry for any confusion.
From: [] On Behalf
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 11:54 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Raw Material
Not sure if I understand your problem with the part numbering system- We
assigned a part numbers:
71002752 Desc- Bar,RD, 10" NITRONIC 60, Search Word BAR,RD.,Type
Purchased and Stocked
71002754 BAR, RD, 1", NITRONIC 50HS etc.
These parts are assigned to a RAW MATERIAL -Sub-sea PArt Class.
I don't know if this answers your questions or helps you out at all with
whatever issue you are encountering.
"Paul V. Blais" <pblais@... <>
we are having, we are going to create this system and wondered what
works for you guys?
From: <>
[ <> ] On
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 3:56 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Raw Material
Paul, we buy Nitronic steel bar stock as part of our business process
and set it up with our internal part# in Vantage with Dimensions to it
and lot track it etc. Have you worked with Part, Whole Part,Dimensions
etc. We typically issue portion of it to our subcontract jobs and
receive back 4 widgets (example) and track the remaining as well.
"Paul V. Blais" <pblais@... <>
lot, and thought this might be a better place. How does everyone handle
raw materials as parts? How do you number your parts. For example in
our environment we with 1.5" Dia. Material a lot. And we'll get in
Delrin, Aluminum and Steel. With in those categories we'll deal with
many different types and specs. For example, cold rolled, hot rolled,
nitronic, 6061, 2024, and 7075 just to name a few. As most of you know
Vista 4 was more forgiving with searching and what not, so in order to
track better and get better traceability, we want to re-create our raw
material parts, what do you guys use and suggest?
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All approved production level, purchased and or manufactured parts get a sequential 71xxxxxxx part#. Engineers used to check out the next sequential part# in a manual number generator system but now they search in Vantage for the last 71XXXXXXX part# entered and select the next one in sequence and enter it into Vantage. Is this what you mean?
"Paul V. Blais" <pblais@...> wrote:
I guess the better question was how did you come up with your internal
number parts? Did you use some sort of system, or just on like a next
number type things and the description contains all the pertinent info.
Sorry for any confusion.
From: [] On Behalf
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 11:54 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Raw Material
Not sure if I understand your problem with the part numbering system- We
assigned a part numbers:
71002752 Desc- Bar,RD, 10" NITRONIC 60, Search Word BAR,RD.,Type
Purchased and Stocked
71002754 BAR, RD, 1", NITRONIC 50HS etc.
These parts are assigned to a RAW MATERIAL -Sub-sea PArt Class.
I don't know if this answers your questions or helps you out at all with
whatever issue you are encountering.
"Paul V. Blais" <pblais@... <>
> wrote:But how do you handle your internal numbering system? That is the issue
we are having, we are going to create this system and wondered what
works for you guys?
From: <>
[ <> ] On
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 3:56 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Raw Material
Paul, we buy Nitronic steel bar stock as part of our business process
and set it up with our internal part# in Vantage with Dimensions to it
and lot track it etc. Have you worked with Part, Whole Part,Dimensions
etc. We typically issue portion of it to our subcontract jobs and
receive back 4 widgets (example) and track the remaining as well.
"Paul V. Blais" <pblais@... <>
> wrote:I threw this question out to the Vista List-Serve and didn't get a whole
lot, and thought this might be a better place. How does everyone handle
raw materials as parts? How do you number your parts. For example in
our environment we with 1.5" Dia. Material a lot. And we'll get in
Delrin, Aluminum and Steel. With in those categories we'll deal with
many different types and specs. For example, cold rolled, hot rolled,
nitronic, 6061, 2024, and 7075 just to name a few. As most of you know
Vista 4 was more forgiving with searching and what not, so in order to
track better and get better traceability, we want to re-create our raw
material parts, what do you guys use and suggest?
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