RB Quote Log

What do you consider the value of the quote? For example, the quote could have
quantities of 10,000...100,000...500,000...1,000,000 for a single quote line.
If you go on the low side, this could be an insignificant quote. If you go on
the high side, it could be a nice quote.

At one point we had a sales manager that addressed this issue by basing the
quantity on the average quantity with an average price.

Just an idea.

Mike Lowe
Connor Manufacturing Services

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Subject: [Vantage] RB Quote Log
Author: <vantage@yahoogroups.com>
Date: 5/30/2001 7:56 PM

Has anybody out there built a quote log in Report Builder? I checked
the files section, but there doesn't seem to be anything there. What
looks hard is getting some measure of quote value on it without
printing every bit of detail. Suggestions are welcome.

Thanks in advance,

Jeff Kroes
Pacal Industries

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