I don't think there is.
We make sure people add Memo's if they go back in to change anything.
We make sure people add Memo's if they go back in to change anything.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Frice [SMTP:Jim.Frice@...]
> Sent: 20 December 2000 14:28
> To: Vantage@Egroups. Com
> Subject: [Vantage] RE-OPEN A CLOSED ORDER
> Anyone on 4.00 that uses the ability to re-open a closed order. Is
> there any
> type of record or log that is created so you know who has done it and
> when?
> Jim Frice
> eGroups Sponsor
> Click Here!
> <http://rd.yahoo.com/M=102308.1038796.2731130.908943/D=egroupmail/S=17
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