I am curious how anybody who did not do a conversion upgrade handled items received, but not invoiced? We will be bringing over no historical data and using the DMT to populate all of our other data.
When the invoices for those items arrived, you could just do straight invoices rather than picking up received lines?
That is an option, but I was trying to avoid them going back into the other system to verify the receipt.
Mike IIRC we did this by re-creating POs only for open releases. Also, on cutover weekend, we did a round of payments before turning off the lights on the old system, in other words before the “before” reports were run. There were some payments that sat in envelopes waiting to be mailed for a few days where it made sense, but we were able to invoice and pay under the old system.
To avoid them having to use old system:
At point of cutover, export relevant details from old system into CSV
Import into UD01 (or another un-used UD table in E10)
Create a BAQ and dashboard showing the receipts.
If you made it an update able dashboard, with say CheckBox01 assigned to marking the receipt as Invoiced, you could check this box once invoiced. Then, have your dashboard only show lines where CheckBox01 = 0
I just seen there is something for receipts in the DMT, going to play with that a bit also.