Recent 6.1 conversions BEWARE in quoting

Here is a potentially nasty little gotcha we discovered after converting from 5.1 to 6.1 a couple weeks ago.

If you open a quote that existed before the upgrade and change the material price in a material sequence of the manufacturing details in the quote and then click OK the new cost will NOT be reflected in the Worksheet. It appears that there is a problem with one of the update triggers. To have the new cost reflected in the Worksheet you need to (this is what worked for other fields were tested) open the material sequence, toggle the Purchase check box, click ok. Then open the material sequence again and toggle the purchase box and click ok. If you open the Worksheet the new material cost will now be reflected.

We tested quotes entered after the upgrade and they work correctly. It just seems to be a problem with quotes that existed at the time of the upgrade.

I know there are a few other users that have upgraded recently to 6.1 so thought I would throw this out to the group as a potential issue.

Mike Lowe
Corporate Information Systems Manager
Connor Manufacturing Services
Ofc: 949-713-3328
Cell: 949-973-7621
Fax: 949-666-5268