Are there any Epicor architects out there that might know the recommended setting in web.config for ThrowLockExceptions ?
We are using an Epicor CSG Extended Solution for Quote Revisions (ES0101) plus some customisations created for us by Epicor CSG.
We get an error using one aspect of this customization that is resolved by settingThrowLockExceptions to false.
All our Epicor 10 installations set ThrowLockException to true as part of the default Epicor installation process.
The developers have this flag set to false and cannot replicate the error.
When we change the flag to false on our test environment the issue is resolved.
What we don’t know is whether this flag should be set to true or false for the Epicor ERP application.
The developer hasn’t provided any guidance other than to ask support, which we have done but with the usual process of starting with level 1 support means it may be some time before we get high enough up the tree to the people who will know the answer.
There is a KB article KB0086003 that mentions changing ThrowLockExceptions to false but it doesn’t answer the question of what the recommended setting should be.
According to the release notes from 10.1.600 this setting was changed to default to False instead of true. I assume that is the recommended setting but still might be good to get further confirmation.
That sounds like the same problem I am having. Do you know where that setting lives. I just want to see if it makes the difference while I am in test mode
Thanks, I will set it to false and see what happens. Do you think this would be the best solution? The BPMs compile without errors, so apart from this I can’t see how to fix the problem
I got this same error on a BPM after going to .600 I can’t remember which way I updated my BPM I either needed to add transaction scope or remove it. But I remember once I reviewed the BPM I agreed with the error and thought “neat check epicor”
That sounds right and probably was a good requirement. Might find a few but I’m with you when I first saw that error I was like “how the hell do I deal with this?”.
Thank you Dan for the pointer to 10.1.600.
We upgraded from 10.0.700 to 10.2.100 so missing the 10.1’s may mean we carried over the old setting in we.config and the 10.2 upgrade didn’t correct this.
I have received a confirmation from Epicor Support that the ThrowLockExceptions flag should be set to false from 10.1.600.
The upgrade process for all subsequent release should be setting this flag to false so support have requested a copy of our we.config so they can check that all other settings are correct.