Related to Menu/Widget/Overlay issues with .10 > Quote > Rows Modified by Another User Issue

We are seeing issues related to Quote since the .10 update of Kinetic as well where we change discounts (or even pricing) at the line level and our users are seeing the Rows Modified By Another User and is literally having them change one line, refresh, change another line, rinse-and-repeat. Annoying as can be.

We’ve no BPMs there, but we do have an overlay on our Quote screen. Seems to be related to the other issues people are reporting…

Just curious.

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No solid solution, but you could try republishing the layer… and/or clearing their browser cache. A lot of weird stuff going on. Hope they can patch this stuff soon. Driving everybody nuts and giving new kinetic users a bad first impression.

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Thanks. We have done both of these. Our Developer is beyond frustrated. He said this morning (after finishing an upgrade to .11 on our non-production environments) that Epicor is literally not respecting and ignoring his code in the layers. It’s maddening.

Our employees are getting very frustrated and support has been non-responsive on this one.

We will see, thanks for responding! :wink:

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