We have a similar situation.
Feel free to call me for feedback.
Mike Lowe
Corporate I.S. Manager
Connor Manufacturing Services
(909) 273-1282
____________________Reply Separator____________________
Subject: [Vantage] Remote access Vantage via Citrix/Terminal Server
Author: <vantage@yahoogroups.com>
Date: 10/1/2001 5:45 PM
Hello All,
I have become entangled in quite a messy situation and am in need of
responses from anyone doing remote access to Vantage using Citrix or
Terminal Services.
Here is the situation:
Snow Filtration, a Cincinnati based 41 Vantage license manufacturer, owns a
small manufacturing concern (AQF Technologies) in Charlotte, NC. In turn,
Snow is owned by Reemay Inc, in Tennessee. Together, we are owned by a large
international holding corp, The BBA Group. Snow will be responsible for
consolidating AQF financial data with Snows' and report directly to BBA
headquarters in London. In addition, the president of Snow (whose main
office is in Tenn) what's sales reports that include data from both
We have set upon a course to bring AQF onto Vantage. AQF will have 4-5
users. The management at AQF wants to be a seperate Vantage site with apps
and database installed at Charlotte. I prefer AQF be a remote site
accessing Vantage over SDSL and VPN into a Win2K Terminal Server. Their
primary concerns seem to deal with telecommunications issues relating to
latency/response time and WAN network downtime and power outages on this
end. Obviously, I cannot guarrentee telco line uptime nor 100% availability
of services, but I can come really close on my end - say not more than 30
hours downtime due to prolonged power outages and/or hardware failure in 34
months of running Vantage.
It sure seems to me that the one database/remote access scenario would
greatly reduce the implementation time and effort. Also, there would be no
need to do 'datawarehousing' since reports would run from a single
mult-company database versus pulling data from multiple databases. The
Multi-site module would be much too expensive and, to my knowledge, only
operates on G/L data.
I would very much appreciate if you would share your real-life Vantage
experiences in these areas:
Number of remote users:
Telecomm Connection Type:
Citrix or Terminal Server:
Reponse Time acceptable: yes/no thoughts:
Ballpark cost to implement:
Anything else you can think of that would support my position:
You can reply to me offline at mailto:jim.stetter@... or the
Thank you in advanced,
Jim Stetter
Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must have
already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
(1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder and
Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
(2) To search through old msg's goto:
(3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
We have a similar situation.
Feel free to call me for feedback.
Mike Lowe
Corporate I.S. Manager
Connor Manufacturing Services
(909) 273-1282
____________________Reply Separator____________________
Subject: [Vantage] Remote access Vantage via Citrix/Terminal Server
Author: <vantage@yahoogroups.com>
Date: 10/1/2001 5:45 PM
Hello All,
I have become entangled in quite a messy situation and am in need of
responses from anyone doing remote access to Vantage using Citrix or
Terminal Services.
Here is the situation:
Snow Filtration, a Cincinnati based 41 Vantage license manufacturer, owns a
small manufacturing concern (AQF Technologies) in Charlotte, NC. In turn,
Snow is owned by Reemay Inc, in Tennessee. Together, we are owned by a large
international holding corp, The BBA Group. Snow will be responsible for
consolidating AQF financial data with Snows' and report directly to BBA
headquarters in London. In addition, the president of Snow (whose main
office is in Tenn) what's sales reports that include data from both
We have set upon a course to bring AQF onto Vantage. AQF will have 4-5
users. The management at AQF wants to be a seperate Vantage site with apps
and database installed at Charlotte. I prefer AQF be a remote site
accessing Vantage over SDSL and VPN into a Win2K Terminal Server. Their
primary concerns seem to deal with telecommunications issues relating to
latency/response time and WAN network downtime and power outages on this
end. Obviously, I cannot guarrentee telco line uptime nor 100% availability
of services, but I can come really close on my end - say not more than 30
hours downtime due to prolonged power outages and/or hardware failure in 34
months of running Vantage.
It sure seems to me that the one database/remote access scenario would
greatly reduce the implementation time and effort. Also, there would be no
need to do 'datawarehousing' since reports would run from a single
mult-company database versus pulling data from multiple databases. The
Multi-site module would be much too expensive and, to my knowledge, only
operates on G/L data.
I would very much appreciate if you would share your real-life Vantage
experiences in these areas:
Number of remote users:
Telecomm Connection Type:
Citrix or Terminal Server:
Reponse Time acceptable: yes/no thoughts:
Ballpark cost to implement:
Anything else you can think of that would support my position:
You can reply to me offline at mailto:jim.stetter@... or the
Thank you in advanced,
Jim Stetter
Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must have
already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
(1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder and
Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
(2) To search through old msg's goto:
(3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/