Removing a Lot Tracked Part Number from a Bin Without a Lot Numb

What version of Epicor are you using?  I'm not familiar with locations being lot tracked.  All I have ever seen is that a part is lot tracked.

Bob Beaghan

We have a part number that is lot tracked, which is in a bin without a lot number.  When I try to quantity adjust this part number out of the bin, I get the following error message:  "Lot number is required for a lot tracked part."  I can't change the part number from lot tracked to not lot tracked because there is quantity in the bin, but I can't remove the quantity in the bin because the part number is lot tracked!!  Is there anything I can do here?  We are trying the change to a standard costing method and I need to remove all quantity of this part in order to make a change to the costing method.



How did it end up in there without a lot number? That’s buggy


Joshua Giese
Technology Solutions : CTO

Direct Phone:    920.593.8299
Office Phone:    920.437.6400 x342

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, January 6, 2016 1:44 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Removing a Lot Tracked Part Number from a Bin Without a Lot Number



We have a part number that is lot tracked, which is in a bin without a lot number.  When I try to quantity adjust this part number out of the bin, I get the following error message:  "Lot number is required for a lot tracked part."  I can't change the part number from lot tracked to not lot tracked because there is quantity in the bin, but I can't remove the quantity in the bin because the part number is lot tracked!!  Is there anything I can do here?  We are trying the change to a standard costing method and I need to remove all quantity of this part in order to make a change to the costing method.





Sounds like you need a DataFix from Epicor...Â

Jose C Gomez
Software Engineer

T: 904.469.1524 mobile

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 2:44 PM, tom.sederquist@... [vantage] <> wrote:

  <p></p><p>We have a part number that is lot tracked, which is in a bin without a lot number.  When I try to quantity adjust this part number out of the bin, I get the following error message:  &quot;Lot number is required for a lot tracked part.&quot;  I can&#39;t change the part number from lot tracked to not lot tracked because there is quantity in the bin, but I can&#39;t remove the quantity in the bin because the part number is lot tracked!!  Is there anything I can do here?  We are trying the change to a standard costing method and I need to remove all quantity of this part in order to make a change to the costing method.</p><p><br></p><p>Thanks.</p><p><br></p><p> </p><p></p>


<div style="color:#fff;min-height:0;"></div>

How does the part look when you pull up inventory transfer?  I'm not sure this would work but pull the part into the from with a blank lot and try to transfer it with a non blank lot number in the to.  I think it will try to stop you because of the blank lot but its worth a shot.
Actually I tried it on my test server and it didn't work when left blank. However it could be a space.  It looks like a space in the lot number is still considered a lot number somehow.

True a character is a character. If you go into lot tracker and pull that part in. search for lot is there a record that shows up with a supposedly blank lot number?


Joshua Giese
Technology Solutions : CTO

Direct Phone:    920.593.8299
Office Phone:    920.437.6400 x342

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, January 6, 2016 2:42 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Removing a Lot Tracked Part Number from a Bin Without a Lot Number



Actually I tried it on my test server and it didn't work when left blank. However it could be a space.  It looks like a space in the lot number is still considered a lot number somehow.

We've had this happen when we enabled lot tracking for a part after we had been using it for some time.  I believe it may have happened when we had product being transferred between plants and was finally received in the destinationplant.

Assuming it's not a space in the lot number field as mentioned previously, here's how we resolved the issue:

Note:  we use DMT, so we queried the PartBin table to build inventory adjustment files to remove/re-import product.

- adjust out any product with lot numbers
- turn off lot tracking for the part
- adjust out any product without lot numbers
- perform required changes to part setup, e.g. change cost method
- adjust in all product previously removed, assigning lot numbers to those quantities that previously had none

Depending on how fast your inventory moves, you may need to do this off-hours.

Bob Beaghan

We figured it out!  We had two problems and figured out solutions to both...

1. Quantity adjusting out a part number which is lot tracked and has quantity in a location that is not lot tracked.  Solution:  We did an inventory transfer to a location which is lot tracked.  We then used the quantity adjust module to take the part out of this new location.  (This one was pretty easy)

2. Quantity adjusting out a part number which is NOT lot tracked and has quantity in a location that is lot tracked.  Solution:  We did a inventory transfer using the DMT tool.  The inventory transfer module in the application will not work because you are not able to select a lot location for a non-lot tracked part number.  Thus EPICOR doesn't recognize that you are trying to transfer from the lot and it assumes that you are making a transfer from the bin itself.  You will get a warning that your transfer is going to result in a negative quantity for the bin.  The DMT tool will work to make a transfer.  You can transfer the quantity from the lot to a bin with no lot.  We just transfered our part from its current location in BIN CO014 Lot SE21456 to a "new location" in the same bin...but with a null lot number.  We then used the quantity adjust module to take the part out of inventory!