Some of the wizards and “helpers” in the form customization environment, don’t have a way to easily remove the auto generated code.
Is going into the Script Editor and slashing away, the only way to remove these, totally ignoring the “Do not delete 'Begin/End Wizard Added Object …” remarks?
And any pointers on what to look for when trying which code to gut?
I assume the comments like // ** Wizard Insert Location - Do not delete... need to be in the file, and are used by the code generating tools to locate where to insert code. This correct?
And I can delete all the auto generated functions. For example, I added UD08 as a child table, and now want to remove it. Any function with UD08 in the name, like:
I dont think that leaving them will cause a problem as if re-adding functionality that would use them the editor wont add them if already there.
It is cleaner I guess to remove, but to be honest provided the script itself is clean (so it doesnt confuse someone that subsequently maintains it) then i wouldn’t worry about it as they are standard dlls.
Regarding the standard comments, one thing to be aware of is a long time ago they changed slightly, not obvious but enough to stop wizards working. Somthing to bear in mind if modifying stuff as part of an uplift (I think the change was in 10.0.something??)