Replication Log Keeps Growing and Growing

Hey Jill,

I recently created a script to do this every night. You must shutdown the
replication service first. When restarted the log file will be created.
7-Zip can be downloaded for free.
SET hr=%time:~0,2%
IF %hr% lss 10 SET hr=0%hr:~1,1%
NET STOP EpicorDbReplication
7za a -tzip "C:\epicor\RepData\Logs\Archive\"
DEL "C:\epicor\RepData\Logs\ReplicationServer.log"
NET START EpicorDbReplication

On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 12:18 AM, jseeman21 <jseeman@...>wrote:

> **
> Hi,
> We are running replication and I notice the log file size is up to 300MB
> and growing. Is there a way to automate a process that will archive or
> delete a log and start a new one? As they grow over 50MB it is difficult to
> open and read the file.
> In addition, if you see any errors posted for a particular table within
> the replication console, it implies a record did not copy over. Is there
> any way to resend that missed record or will the tables forever more be out
> of data sync?
> Thank You.
> Jill Seeman
> Bedford Group

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

We are running replication and I notice the log file size is up to 300MB and growing. Is there a way to automate a process that will archive or delete a log and start a new one? As they grow over 50MB it is difficult to open and read the file.

In addition, if you see any errors posted for a particular table within the replication console, it implies a record did not copy over. Is there any way to resend that missed record or will the tables forever more be out of data sync?

Thank You.
Jill Seeman
Bedford Group