Report Routing SubmitToAgentError

Has anyone seen similar error like this? Just trying to setup email of POs, with routing and breaking using a Customer statement print routing as an example which was working, but now it gives me the same error also.

Initially I thought it was a mail server connectivity issue, but I have tested access to the mail server from the appserver using telnet and I can send emails, so I am going down to the next step. The event viewer shows that the error being caught in the client log which is pretty obvious, I suppose.

So if anyone has any other places to look I’d appreciate the help. Thanks


Application Error

Exception caught in: Ice.Lib.EpiReportLib

Error Detail

Message: Attempt by method ‘Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiReportTransaction.SubmitToAgent(System.String, Int64, Int32)’ to access method ‘Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiTransaction.dialogConfirmed(Boolean, System.String)’ failed.
Program: Ice.Lib.EpiReportLib.dll
Method: SubmitToAgent

Client Stack Trace

at Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiReportTransaction.SubmitToAgent(String agentID, Int64 agentSchedNum, Int32 agentTaskNum)
at Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiReportTransaction.SubmitToAgent(String statusText)
at Ice.Lib.Report.ReportRunner.b__14_0()
at Ice.Lib.Report.ReportRunner.InnerRunForPreview(Func`1 runOrSubmitReport)
at Ice.Lib.Report.ReportRunner.RunForPreview()
at Ice.Lib.Report.ReportRunner.Run(String outputType, String ssrsPrintOption)
at Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiReportTransaction.RunDirect(String outputType, String ssrsPrintOpt)

So far I have manged to narrow this down to the autoupdate doing something to the client, but what, not quite sure yet.

Update on this, just in case anyone else cares not to waste a day investigating this.

It turns out that there some wrong versions of dlls in the client folder. I was testing the Menu Usage tracker, it has several Ice.lib.dlls in the installer that overwrite the ones in your client directory. that being 10.1.600.18 instead of 10.1.600.25, which we are currently on. The main offender appeared to be Ice.Lib.EpiClientLib.dll.

So after copying the correct files back from a known working client, it fixed the issue.

Glad this wasn’t in our production environment. So there really is truth in the adage of testing in test first. :slight_smile:

I notice that there are a lot of duplicate files in the installer (as in, files that already exist in the client folder). I’m not sure if they really should be included in the installer or not, perhaps someone with some greater knowledge of this could enlighten me.