Has anyone seen similar error like this? Just trying to setup email of POs, with routing and breaking using a Customer statement print routing as an example which was working, but now it gives me the same error also.
Initially I thought it was a mail server connectivity issue, but I have tested access to the mail server from the appserver using telnet and I can send emails, so I am going down to the next step. The event viewer shows that the error being caught in the client log which is pretty obvious, I suppose.
So if anyone has any other places to look I’d appreciate the help. Thanks
Application Error
Exception caught in: Ice.Lib.EpiReportLib
Error Detail
Message: Attempt by method ‘Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiReportTransaction.SubmitToAgent(System.String, Int64, Int32)’ to access method ‘Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiTransaction.dialogConfirmed(Boolean, System.String)’ failed.
Program: Ice.Lib.EpiReportLib.dll
Method: SubmitToAgent
Client Stack Trace
at Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiReportTransaction.SubmitToAgent(String agentID, Int64 agentSchedNum, Int32 agentTaskNum)
at Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiReportTransaction.SubmitToAgent(String statusText)
at Ice.Lib.Report.ReportRunner.b__14_0()
at Ice.Lib.Report.ReportRunner.InnerRunForPreview(Func`1 runOrSubmitReport)
at Ice.Lib.Report.ReportRunner.RunForPreview()
at Ice.Lib.Report.ReportRunner.Run(String outputType, String ssrsPrintOption)
at Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiReportTransaction.RunDirect(String outputType, String ssrsPrintOpt)