Requisition / PO / Approval process Vantage 8.03


1. Under Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > Requisition Actions, make sure the "Send to Purchasing" checkbox is checked for whatever the final action is (in mine it's the Create Purchase order action, I don't remember what the default is).
2. Make sure you're an authorized buyer for whoever the PO gets created by
3. In the PO Suggestions search, click "Options" and then check "Return All Rows"
4. Look in the Change PO Suggestions program too in case there is already a PO out for that particular part

If all else fails, run wide open BAQs against both the SugPODtl and SugPOChg tables. If Send to Purchasing is selected and you didn't get any errors, SOMETHING should be SOMEWHERE.

Ernie Lowell
Diba Industries

--- In, Mike Abell <mabell@...> wrote:
> Ernie,
> I can get all the way to the PO suggestion part you mention, but no matter
> what I do, I don't see any of the requisitions I've created show up in PO
> suggestions. I've did the "Generate Suggestions" 10 times but I can't get
> anything to show up. Any idea what is going on?
> From: [] On Behalf Of
> Elizabeth
> Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 10:51 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Vantage] Re: Requisition / PO / Approval process Vantage 8.03
> (Actually I'm Ernie... my Yahoo ID got hacked a couple of years ago so I'm
> using my wife's... too lazy to recreate my own I guess.)
> First, go to Requisition Actions (Purchase Management > Setup) and designate
> who the Approvers are going to be. Once that's done, the person who creates
> the Req will "dispatch" the requisition to Approval Price, with the name of
> the person they want to approve it. After that the approver runs the
> "Requisition Entry" program, calls up the To Do list (on the Actions menu),
> selects the requisition from the list, reviews it, clicks the Dispatch
> button, and selects Create Purchase Order.
> Now the contents of the Requisition will appear in PO Suggestions just like
> any other PO Suggestion, and purchasing can act on it.
> I've put in some BPMs to notify purchasing so the suggestion doesn't just
> get lost.
> Ernie Lowell
> Diba Industries
> --- In <> , Mike
> Abell <mabell@> wrote:
> >
> > Thanks Elizabeth,
> >
> > I'm new to all of this so please excuse my absence of knowledge on how
> this all works. Once it is "sent to purchasing", how does the buyer
> "approve" the requisition and turn it into a PO? I can find no "link"
> between requisition and PO for some reason. Thanks!
> >
> > Mike Abell
> > Information Technology Manager
> > Flexial - BOA Group - Cookeville, Tennessee
> > Office: 931.432.1853 ext 302
> > Mobile: 615.418.3055
> > email: MAbell@
> >
> >
> > From: <>
> [ <> ] On
> Behalf Of Elizabeth
> > Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 8:06 AM
> > To: <>
> > Subject: [Vantage] Re: Requisition / PO / Approval process Vantage 8.03
> >
> >
> >
> > Mike,
> >
> > We're using Requisitions in 9.05 (recently up from 9.04, and I think it
> works pretty much the same in 8).
> >
> > The "limitation" I've come up against is in the approval process. Once an
> employee completes a Req, they choose "Dispatch" to get it approved. If you
> set up your approvers individually, then ONLY the approver chosen at
> Dispatch will be able to approve the Req. Since we're a pretty small
> company, I had to create a separate "ReqAdmin" Epicor account so that all
> the approvers could see and approve the Req.
> >
> > There is also no way to set a dollar limit for Requisition Approvals.
> >
> > Let me know if I can help any more.
> >
> > Ernie Lowell
> > Diba Industries
> >
> > --- In <>
> <>, Mike Abell <mabell@<mailto:mabell@>>
> wrote:
> > >
> > > I am looking for a "best practice" on how to setup the requisition/PO
> system in Vantage 8. I'd love to know how other companies are setup and how
> well it works for them. We currently do not use the requisition system at
> all, just the PO system where we have one buyer who has NO dollar limit
> therefore he can create and approve all PO's. Our accounting dept wants to
> change this so there is some sort of control on both inventory and non
> inventory purchases. As stated, I'd love to know how other companies are
> setup so if anyone would share their experience, I'd really appreciate it.
> Thanks!
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Mike Abell
> > > Information Technology Manager
> > > Flexial - BOA Group - Cookeville, Tennessee
> > > Office: 931.432.1853 ext 302
> > > Mobile: 615.418.3055
> > > email: MAbell@
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I am looking for a "best practice" on how to setup the requisition/PO system in Vantage 8. I'd love to know how other companies are setup and how well it works for them. We currently do not use the requisition system at all, just the PO system where we have one buyer who has NO dollar limit therefore he can create and approve all PO's. Our accounting dept wants to change this so there is some sort of control on both inventory and non inventory purchases. As stated, I'd love to know how other companies are setup so if anyone would share their experience, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!

Mike Abell
Information Technology Manager
Flexial - BOA Group - Cookeville, Tennessee
Office: 931.432.1853 ext 302
Mobile: 615.418.3055
email: MAbell@...

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

We're using Requisitions in 9.05 (recently up from 9.04, and I think it works pretty much the same in 8).

The "limitation" I've come up against is in the approval process. Once an employee completes a Req, they choose "Dispatch" to get it approved. If you set up your approvers individually, then ONLY the approver chosen at Dispatch will be able to approve the Req. Since we're a pretty small company, I had to create a separate "ReqAdmin" Epicor account so that all the approvers could see and approve the Req.

There is also no way to set a dollar limit for Requisition Approvals.

Let me know if I can help any more.

Ernie Lowell
Diba Industries

--- In, Mike Abell <mabell@...> wrote:
> I am looking for a "best practice" on how to setup the requisition/PO system in Vantage 8. I'd love to know how other companies are setup and how well it works for them. We currently do not use the requisition system at all, just the PO system where we have one buyer who has NO dollar limit therefore he can create and approve all PO's. Our accounting dept wants to change this so there is some sort of control on both inventory and non inventory purchases. As stated, I'd love to know how other companies are setup so if anyone would share their experience, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
> Mike Abell
> Information Technology Manager
> Flexial - BOA Group - Cookeville, Tennessee
> Office: 931.432.1853 ext 302
> Mobile: 615.418.3055
> email: MAbell@...
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Thanks Elizabeth,

I'm new to all of this so please excuse my absence of knowledge on how this all works. Once it is "sent to purchasing", how does the buyer "approve" the requisition and turn it into a PO? I can find no "link" between requisition and PO for some reason. Thanks!

Mike Abell
Information Technology Manager
Flexial - BOA Group - Cookeville, Tennessee
Office: 931.432.1853 ext 302
Mobile: 615.418.3055
email: MAbell@...

From: [] On Behalf Of Elizabeth
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 8:06 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Requisition / PO / Approval process Vantage 8.03


We're using Requisitions in 9.05 (recently up from 9.04, and I think it works pretty much the same in 8).

The "limitation" I've come up against is in the approval process. Once an employee completes a Req, they choose "Dispatch" to get it approved. If you set up your approvers individually, then ONLY the approver chosen at Dispatch will be able to approve the Req. Since we're a pretty small company, I had to create a separate "ReqAdmin" Epicor account so that all the approvers could see and approve the Req.

There is also no way to set a dollar limit for Requisition Approvals.

Let me know if I can help any more.

Ernie Lowell
Diba Industries

--- In<>, Mike Abell <mabell@...<mailto:mabell@...>> wrote:
> I am looking for a "best practice" on how to setup the requisition/PO system in Vantage 8. I'd love to know how other companies are setup and how well it works for them. We currently do not use the requisition system at all, just the PO system where we have one buyer who has NO dollar limit therefore he can create and approve all PO's. Our accounting dept wants to change this so there is some sort of control on both inventory and non inventory purchases. As stated, I'd love to know how other companies are setup so if anyone would share their experience, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
> Mike Abell
> Information Technology Manager
> Flexial - BOA Group - Cookeville, Tennessee
> Office: 931.432.1853 ext 302
> Mobile: 615.418.3055
> email: MAbell@...
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
(Actually I'm Ernie... my Yahoo ID got hacked a couple of years ago so I'm using my wife's... too lazy to recreate my own I guess.)

First, go to Requisition Actions (Purchase Management > Setup) and designate who the Approvers are going to be. Once that's done, the person who creates the Req will "dispatch" the requisition to Approval Price, with the name of the person they want to approve it. After that the approver runs the "Requisition Entry" program, calls up the To Do list (on the Actions menu), selects the requisition from the list, reviews it, clicks the Dispatch button, and selects Create Purchase Order.

Now the contents of the Requisition will appear in PO Suggestions just like any other PO Suggestion, and purchasing can act on it.

I've put in some BPMs to notify purchasing so the suggestion doesn't just get lost.

Ernie Lowell
Diba Industries

--- In, Mike Abell <mabell@...> wrote:
> Thanks Elizabeth,
> I'm new to all of this so please excuse my absence of knowledge on how this all works. Once it is "sent to purchasing", how does the buyer "approve" the requisition and turn it into a PO? I can find no "link" between requisition and PO for some reason. Thanks!
> Mike Abell
> Information Technology Manager
> Flexial - BOA Group - Cookeville, Tennessee
> Office: 931.432.1853 ext 302
> Mobile: 615.418.3055
> email: MAbell@...
> From: [] On Behalf Of Elizabeth
> Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 8:06 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Vantage] Re: Requisition / PO / Approval process Vantage 8.03
> Mike,
> We're using Requisitions in 9.05 (recently up from 9.04, and I think it works pretty much the same in 8).
> The "limitation" I've come up against is in the approval process. Once an employee completes a Req, they choose "Dispatch" to get it approved. If you set up your approvers individually, then ONLY the approver chosen at Dispatch will be able to approve the Req. Since we're a pretty small company, I had to create a separate "ReqAdmin" Epicor account so that all the approvers could see and approve the Req.
> There is also no way to set a dollar limit for Requisition Approvals.
> Let me know if I can help any more.
> Ernie Lowell
> Diba Industries
> --- In<>, Mike Abell <mabell@<mailto:mabell@>> wrote:
> >
> > I am looking for a "best practice" on how to setup the requisition/PO system in Vantage 8. I'd love to know how other companies are setup and how well it works for them. We currently do not use the requisition system at all, just the PO system where we have one buyer who has NO dollar limit therefore he can create and approve all PO's. Our accounting dept wants to change this so there is some sort of control on both inventory and non inventory purchases. As stated, I'd love to know how other companies are setup so if anyone would share their experience, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
> >
> >
> >
> > Mike Abell
> > Information Technology Manager
> > Flexial - BOA Group - Cookeville, Tennessee
> > Office: 931.432.1853 ext 302
> > Mobile: 615.418.3055
> > email: MAbell@
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

I can get all the way to the PO suggestion part you mention, but no matter
what I do, I don't see any of the requisitions I've created show up in PO
suggestions. I've did the "Generate Suggestions" 10 times but I can't get
anything to show up. Any idea what is going on?

From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 10:51 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Requisition / PO / Approval process Vantage 8.03

(Actually I'm Ernie... my Yahoo ID got hacked a couple of years ago so I'm
using my wife's... too lazy to recreate my own I guess.)

First, go to Requisition Actions (Purchase Management > Setup) and designate
who the Approvers are going to be. Once that's done, the person who creates
the Req will "dispatch" the requisition to Approval Price, with the name of
the person they want to approve it. After that the approver runs the
"Requisition Entry" program, calls up the To Do list (on the Actions menu),
selects the requisition from the list, reviews it, clicks the Dispatch
button, and selects Create Purchase Order.

Now the contents of the Requisition will appear in PO Suggestions just like
any other PO Suggestion, and purchasing can act on it.

I've put in some BPMs to notify purchasing so the suggestion doesn't just
get lost.

Ernie Lowell
Diba Industries

--- In <> , Mike
Abell <mabell@...> wrote:
> Thanks Elizabeth,
> I'm new to all of this so please excuse my absence of knowledge on how
this all works. Once it is "sent to purchasing", how does the buyer
"approve" the requisition and turn it into a PO? I can find no "link"
between requisition and PO for some reason. Thanks!
> Mike Abell
> Information Technology Manager
> Flexial - BOA Group - Cookeville, Tennessee
> Office: 931.432.1853 ext 302
> Mobile: 615.418.3055
> email: MAbell@...
> From: <>
[ <> ] On
Behalf Of Elizabeth
> Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 8:06 AM
> To: <>
> Subject: [Vantage] Re: Requisition / PO / Approval process Vantage 8.03
> Mike,
> We're using Requisitions in 9.05 (recently up from 9.04, and I think it
works pretty much the same in 8).
> The "limitation" I've come up against is in the approval process. Once an
employee completes a Req, they choose "Dispatch" to get it approved. If you
set up your approvers individually, then ONLY the approver chosen at
Dispatch will be able to approve the Req. Since we're a pretty small
company, I had to create a separate "ReqAdmin" Epicor account so that all
the approvers could see and approve the Req.
> There is also no way to set a dollar limit for Requisition Approvals.
> Let me know if I can help any more.
> Ernie Lowell
> Diba Industries
> --- In <>
<>, Mike Abell <mabell@<mailto:mabell@>>
> >
> > I am looking for a "best practice" on how to setup the requisition/PO
system in Vantage 8. I'd love to know how other companies are setup and how
well it works for them. We currently do not use the requisition system at
all, just the PO system where we have one buyer who has NO dollar limit
therefore he can create and approve all PO's. Our accounting dept wants to
change this so there is some sort of control on both inventory and non
inventory purchases. As stated, I'd love to know how other companies are
setup so if anyone would share their experience, I'd really appreciate it.
> >
> >
> >
> > Mike Abell
> > Information Technology Manager
> > Flexial - BOA Group - Cookeville, Tennessee
> > Office: 931.432.1853 ext 302
> > Mobile: 615.418.3055
> > email: MAbell@
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]