Requisition with same Supplier, but two SHIP TO locations

When processing two requisitions to the same supplier, but two different SHIP TO locations Epicor only generates 1 PO with all of the items to only one of the SHIP TO locations. Is there somewhere we can change the logic to also look at the SHIP TO location as well not just the Supplier and the system generate two PO’s and not one?

I’m not entirely clear on your question, but are you talking about the Supplier has 2 locations? Have you looked at Purchase Points?

I’m sorry. It’s 1 Supplier and our purchasing department is buying for our multiple locations. Each location puts in their requisitions.

Could you not use the different releases where you could indicate a different plant for each? When you print the PO, it will indicate the two locations for delivery and the quantity required for each location…


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Thank you Pierre. Because we are setup as one main plant for all locations, that will not work, but I noticed there is a SHIP TO on the release tab of the PO line but it is grayed out. Need to find out to open that up.