The ResourceTimeUsed table holds the current schedule. I currently run queries against it and limit these to a SysDate >= Current Date -0 days for the latest schedule (global scheduling runs at 1am)
Currently, if I query the table and look at records that are older than 5 days ago, there are 22504 rows. Is there any reason this table does not get cleared of old records when scheduling reruns and would there be any issue with purging these older records?
These old jobs on the schedule are remnants of past schedules being written that for some reason did not clear out. There are closed jobs on here and some of these rows were written in the first part of 2021. Backwards scheduling should not be an issue (we don’t do it, and also I’m not limiting by the scheduled date of work but instead by when the row itself was written or when that was scheduled not when it was scheduled for, if that makes sense)
I guess some might be locked jobs but seems very odd that scheduling never removes these jobs, even if they are finished.
I believe there are some conversion workbench clean up processes that will clean this up for you. Check EpciCare KB0099507. If you can’t access this, i ll point your were to go.
I ran all the processes and did all the steps for that case but it did not change anything as far as the ResourceTimeUsed table is concerned. If I query for old lines on there (SysDate < Current Date) I have more than 10000 still. I’m hoping to remove all the old schedule bits so that scheduling is working with a clean table instead of a bunch of junk.