Rest API 400 Can't de-serialize

Getting 400 error using rest api on user defined tables. I have valid json but getting “Can’t de-serialize”. Works with just a few properties

  "Company": "ROCELEC",
  "Key1": "MC68HC000EIXX-G",
  "Key2": "RE-P-0",
  "Key3": "068PLRECUAG-BLB",
  "Key4": "MC68HC000EIXX-G_RERE1C1-A",
  "Key5": "NA-NA-RERE1C1",
  "PackageTechnology_c": "Plastic",
  "PartNumber_c": "MC68HC000EIXX-G",
  "EpicorPartRev_c": "RE-P-0",
  "NewEpicorPartRev_c": "RERE1C1",
  "PkgCode_c": "068PLRECUAG-BLB",
  "AssemblyDocumentName_c": "MC68HC000EIXX-G_RERE1C1",
  "AssemblyDocumentNumber_c": "ASP01441",
  "AssemblyDocumentRev_c": "A",
  "TestDocumentName_c": "NA",
  "TestDocumentRev_c": "NA",
  "Die1DieMfgr_c": "Rochester Electronics",
  "DieAttachMaterial1_c": "8361J",
  "LeadFinishRequired_c": "YES",
  "LeadFrameType_c": "NA",
  "LeadTrim_c": "YES",
  "MarkTypeDetailed_c": "LASER MARK AFTER TEST",
  "SealType_c": "MOLD",
  "BumperTapeRequired_c": "NO",
  "ClassType_c": "C",
  "PkgDescription_c": "068 LD PLCC, Standard",
  "DieAttachMethod1_c": "EPOXY",
  "LeadFinishMaterial1_c": "100% Matte Tin",
  "LeadFramePartNumber_c": 500012,
  "MarkType_c": "Laser",
  "PkgFamily_c": "PLYB-245",
  "PkgGroup_c": "PLY",
  "GenericPkgCode_c": "068PLRECUAG",
  "PkgOption_c": "Standard",
  "PkgOptionCode_c": "A",
  "PkgType_c": "PLCC",
  "PkgTypeCode_c": "PL",
  "PkgVolumemm3_c": 2228,
  "ActionYieldLimit_c": 0,
  "SpecialInst_c": "After loading the program on the first run of the test program you will need to answer the following questions:&0x0A&0x0ATester User :&0x0A    1 - PRODUCTION &0x0A    2 - GATE       &0x0A    3 - MAINTANANCE&0x0A    4 - ENGINEERING&0x0APlease Enter 1,2,3...&0x0AInput new Tester User : &0x0AEnter 1 for CLASS, 2 for QA&0x0A&0x0A&0x0AInput new Lot Number : &0x0A&0x0AEnter lot #&0x0A&0x0AProgram Flow :&0x0A&0x0A    1 - FHN (Enter for final test at HOT)&0x0A    2 - FRN (Enter for final test at ROOM)&0x0A    3 - FCN (Enter for final test at COLD)&0x0A    4 - QHN (Enter for QA test at HOT)&0x0A    5 - QRN (Enter for QA test at ROOM)&0x0A    6 - QCN (Enter for QA test at COLD)&0x0A&0x0A&0x0A&0x0ATarget Speed :&0x0A&0x0A    6 - 20MHZ&0x0A&0x0ATemperature :&0x0A(* select the temperature per CAMSTAR flow*)&0x0A&0x0A&0x0ATarget Device :&0x0A&0x0A    8 - MC68HC000EI20   &0x0A  &0x0A&0x0AMask Number :&0x0A    1 - J82M&0x0A&0x0A&0x0AInput new Comment Message : Lot #&0x0A&0x0A&0x0ARun Bitmaps? :&0x0A    1 - NO &0x0A    2 - YES&0x0APlease Enter 1,2,3...&0x0AInput new Run Bitmaps? : 1&0x0A&0x0ALot Data&0x0A&0x0A  it will summarize the answers.  please answer y if correct or n to correct any error.&0x0A&0x0A",
  "BinningInfo_c": "Bin 1: Pass 20 MHz&0x0ABin 4: Fail IDD&0x0ABin 5: Fail functional&0x0ABin 6: Fail gross functional&0x0ABin 7: Fail Leakage&0x0ABin 8: Fail Opens/Shorts",
  "AssemblyFlow_c": "RE-05-C-PL",
  "AssemblyLocation_c": "Rochester",
  "BakeHours_c": "48 hrs",
  "BodyLengthmil_c": 952,
  "BodyLengthmm_c": 24.1808,
  "BodyWidthmil_c": 952,
  "BodyWidthmm_c": 24.1808,
  "BodyThicknessmil_c": 150,
  "BodyThicknessmm_c": 3.81,
  "Carrier1PartNumber_c": "N/A",
  "Clip1PartNumber_c": "N/A",
  "PkgCodeStatus_c": "Active",
  "CountryOrigin_c": "United States",
  "Die1DieID_c": "ROCHESTER ELECTRONICS 03/2024",
  "Die1DieMfgrShort_c": "RE",
  "Die1SizeX_c": 145,
  "Die1SizeY_c": 161,
  "Die1BackgrindRequired_c": "Yes",
  "Die1BackgrindThickness_c": "11 Mils",
  "Die1WaferPrimaryU1PN_c": "S08D2CS35K23-ENG-WAFR",
  "DieAttachCode_c": "C",
  "JEDECDrawing_c": "MS-018-AE",
  "JEDECDrawingRev_c": "A",
  "FloorLife_c": "168 hrs",
  "FootLength_c": "N/A",
  "DieGoldPreform1PartNumber_c": "N/A",
  "Handler_c": "Flex",
  "JumperPartNumber_c": "N/A",
  "LeadFinishCode_c": "G",
  "LeadFrameCode_c": "B",
  "LeadFramePrePlated_c": "Not Pre-Plated",
  "LeadPitchmm_c": 1.27,
  "LeadPitchmil_c": 50,
  "LeadCount_c": 68,
  "MfgrCode_c": "RE",
  "MarkTypeCode_c": "L",
  "MarkingLocation_c": "Rochester",
  "MarkingTemplate_c": "PLCC-2",
  "MoldCompound_c": "CV8213FRA",
  "MoldCompoundCode_c": "U",
  "MSL_c": 3,
  "MSLBodyThkCode_c": "3C",
  "Notes_c": "* = Selection (refer to marking instructions)&0x0AItems Shown Within the Orange (Background) Layer Should Not be Marked on Device and are to be Used for Orienting Part Relative to Pin 1.&0x0ASeal Date Code: YYWW",
  "GenericPartNumber_c": "MC68HC000",
  "PeakBodyTemp_c": 245,
  "Pin1PkgOrientation_c": "Standard/Package Orientation Spec ASY706",
  "Tube1PartNumber_c": "700006-2",
  "PinPlug1PartNumber_c": "700007-2"

To help the community provide the best answer, could you include as much of the information below as you can? Your question appears to be lacking some much needed context

  • Epicor Version
  • Deployment Type (Cloud, On Prem, 3rd Party Cloud etc)
  • The business problem you’re trying to solve
  • What you’ve already tried
  • Is this a Kinetic UX (Web) or Epicor Classic issue?
  • Is it related to a Method Directive, Data Directive, Function, BAQ, UBAQ, Configurator, etc.?
  • Any screenshots, error messages, or logs.
  • Any code you’ve written (or borrowed , make sure it is property formatted)
    code here
  • Steps to reproduce the issue
  • Specifically to your question:
    • What method are you calling? From Where?
    • Is it a oData method or an RPC Method? (if so which ones)
    • HTTP Method: Get Patch Post Put Delete?

For tips on how to ask questions effectively, check out this guide:
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