REST API: Get Request to /JobMtls Problem

Generating a Get request to the API at: /JobMtls({Company},{JobNum},{AssemblySeq},{MtlSeq}) always returns the last material added to the job. Not the material requested.

As an example, requesting‘300’,‘084996’,0,10) returns MtlSeq 20 which is the last material on the job.

This happens within the internal Swagger UI as well as generating the request from within the network.

Is anyone else having this issue or able to replicate this for me? We are on 10.1.600.13.

It looks like a bug that is fixed in 10.2.200
(207815 - Using REST to get results from OrderDtl only returns first or last order line)


Thanks for the reply.

I’m new to the Epicor bug fixing process so please bear with me.

  1. Is this able to be patched in 10.1.600? It is a major jump to go to 10.2.200 and we upgraded to 600 in large part for the REST API.
  2. How can I look up the 207815 bug details?

Q1: Is this able to be patched in 10.1.600? It is a major jump to go to 10.2.200 and we upgraded to 600 in large part for the REST API.
A1: It is not targeted to be included in 10.1.600 at this time. Please open a case with Epicor Support, and we can submit a request to have development review the changes introduced for this SCR to determine if they can be retro’d back to the 10.1.600 release during a future point update.

Q2: How can I look up the 207815 bug details?
A2: (and log in with your epicweb credentials). Information from the site is the same information that gets included in our formal release notes when we publish updates/releases.



I can’t figure out how to personal message so I will put this here just in case you were not aware:

The SSL Certificate shows that it expired December 31, 2017 for

Thanks, our operations team is already aware.

Awesome. The scr details includes the following: “Severity=3 - Error Workaround”. Does this mean a workaround exists? If so, is there a way to look this up?

I have provided this information to our support ticket (CS0000801283).

try to do it with $filter, something like$filter=JobNum eq ‘084996’ and AssemblySeq eq 0 and MtlSeq eq 10

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@Olga - Thanks. I gave that a try but I get the following response which doesn’t make sense as you can see in Job Entry there are materials:

“odata.metadata”: “$metadata#Epicor.RestApi.JobMtls”,
“value”: []

It should work, something else here then. Remove filter completely and check if data is returned at all for this company

This returned numerous results.

I am not very familiar with JobEntry\JobMtl, but it you are positive that the you are looking in the right place and filter is written correctly, then my only idea is that REST record limit should be checked in web.config.
Try to add the following line into the web.config, appSettings section:

<add key="DefaultMaxRowCount" value="0" />

and check if it helps.

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After adding the key, I was able to use the workaround to return one material. Thanks!

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