Rest API Job Make to Stock

I am able to create a job using the Erp.BO.JobEntrySvc and the JSON below. What I can’t see is how to enter the make to stock details, i’ve done a trace on the kinetic screen and still non the wiser.

{"Company": "mycompany", 
"JobNum": "job01", 
"PartNum": "part1", 
"PartDescription": "my description",
"ProdQty": "1",
"Plant": "uk",
"IUM": "Ea"

It’s going to be be GetNewJobProd call, then follow the trace from there. Also, keep in mind that make to stock jobs need to have part numbers that are in the system. On the fly part numbers can only be make to order.

You could try the oData one, but I’m not sure how much luck you’ll have with that.

Thank you very much !