REST PreStartConfiguration method

Using REST in c# I’m trying to call the PreStartConfiguration method through
I receive a HttpStatus 400 with the error message “No ttPcConfigurationParams record was found, at least one ttPcConfigurationParams record is needed.”

As far as I can tell I’m passing in the correct datasets but I’m confused by the reference to temp tables. Has anyone come across something like this before?

If I convert my datasets to JSON and paste in swagger I get the expected response but I get the HttpStatus 400 error in Visual Studio.

@josecgomez ?

Thanks in advance!

What does your code look like for the call? What does the trace show?

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Thanks for the reply Jose.

I’m just running a test app at the moment, trying to get this all working so ignore the limited scope just yet.

In summary, I’m creating an order and line, adding my dummy configured part and trying to run the configurator. I’m not getting very far with the configurator.

Let me know if I’ve left out any required details and I’ll fill the gaps

// set up EpicorRest in previous routine
    EpicorRest.AppPoolHost = sAppPoolHost;
    EpicorRest.AppPoolInstance = sInstance;
    EpicorRest.UserName = "username";
    EpicorRest.Password = "password";
    EpicorRest.Company = "company";
    EpicorRest.APIKey = sAPIKey;
    EpicorRest.APIVersion = EpicorRestVersion.V2;
private static string CreateOrderHed()
    string sReturn = "ERROR";
    // create a new order with an empty ds
    dynamic dNewOrd = EpicorRest.BoPost("Erp.BO.SalesOrderSvc", "GetNewOrderHed", new { ds = new { } });

    // isolate OrderHed and remove from ds
    dynamic dOH = dNewOrd.ResponseData.parameters.ds;

    // update required values in OrderHed
    dOH["OrderHed"][0].Company = "CEB";
    dOH["OrderHed"][0].CustNum = 180;
    dOH["OrderHed"][0].BTCustNum = 180;
    dOH["OrderHed"][0].ShipToCustNum = 180;
    dOH["OrderHed"][0].PONum = "RJM" + DateTime.Today.ToString("MMdd");
    dOH["OrderHed"][0].NeedByDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(20).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
    dOH["OrderHed"][0].TermsCode = "30";

    // put values back in ds
    dOH = new { ds = dOH };
    // update the order
    dynamic dUpdateOrder = EpicorRest.BoPost("Erp.BO.SalesOrderSvc", "Update", dOH);

    string sNewON;
    string sNewLN;
    if (dUpdateOrder.Response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
        // get order number of new order from OrderHed
        sNewON = dUpdateOrder.ResponseData.parameters.ds["OrderHed"][0].OrderNum;
        return "ERROR at Order";
    // _________________________________________________________________________________________________
    // create a new line
    dynamic dNewLine = EpicorRest.BoPost("Erp.BO.SalesOrderSvc", "GetNewOrderDtl", new { ds = dUpdateOrder, orderNum = sNewON });

    // isolate OrderDtl and remove from ds
    dynamic dOD = dNewLine.ResponseData.parameters.ds;

    // update required values in OrderDtl
    dOD["OrderDtl"][0].PartNum = "123456";
    dOD["OrderDtl"][0].RevisionNum = "01";
    dOD["OrderDtl"][0].LineDesc = "This is an automated description";
    dOD["OrderDtl"][0].ProdCode = 5370;

    // put values back in the ds
    dOD = new { ds = dOD };
    // update the order
    dynamic dUpdateLine = EpicorRest.BoPost("Erp.BO.SalesOrderSvc", "Update", dOD);

    if (dUpdateLine.Response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
        //get order line of the new line from OrderDtl
        sNewLN = dUpdateLine.ResponseData.parameters.ds["OrderDtl"][0].OrderLine;
        return "ERROR at Line";

    // set SysRowID of the OrderLine record
    string sODSysRowID = dUpdateLine.ResponseData.parameters.ds["OrderDtl"][0].SysRowID;
    string sODPart = dUpdateLine.ResponseData.parameters.ds["OrderDtl"][0].PartNum;
    string sODConfigRev = dUpdateLine.ResponseData.parameters.ds["OrderDtl"][0].RevisionNum;

    dynamic dBaseConfig = EpicorRest.BoPost("Erp.BO.SalesOrderSvc", "GetBasePartAndConfigType",
        new { sourceSysRowID = sODSysRowID });

    // _________________________________________________________________________________________________
    // configurator

    // isolate config associated with ordered part
    dynamic dBaseConfigParams = dBaseConfig.ResponseData.parameters;
    string sConfigID = dBaseConfigParams["configID"];

    // get context header from last call
    dynamic dContext = ((IEnumerable<dynamic>)dBaseConfig.Response.Headers).Where(header => header.Name == "ContextHeader").FirstOrDefault();

    // create ConfigParams ds
    dynamic dConfigParams = new { RuntimeDS = new {  }, configID = sConfigID, uniqueID = "0/0", dContext };

    // get RuntimeDS from GetNewPcConfigParams
    dynamic dBlankConfig = EpicorRest.BoPost("Erp.BO.ConfigurationRuntimeSvc", "GetNewPcConfigParams",dConfigParams);

    // get context header from last call
    dContext = ((IEnumerable<dynamic>)dBlankConfig.Response.Headers).Where(header => header.Name == "ContextHeader").FirstOrDefault();

    // isolate PcConfigurationParams from the RunTime ds
    dynamic dRTParams = dBlankConfig.ResponseData.parameters.RuntimeDS.PcConfigurationParams[0];

    // update values in RunTimeDS
    dRTParams["RelatedToTable"] = "OrderDtl";
    dRTParams["RelatedToSysRowID"] = sODSysRowID;
    dRTParams["SourceTable"] = "PartRev";
    dRTParams["TestMode"] = "PRODUCTION";
    dRTParams["ConfigID"] = sConfigID;
    dRTParams["UniqueID"] = "0/0";
    dRTParams["PartNum"] = sODPart;
    dRTParams["RevisionNum"] = sODConfigRev;

    // put values back in ds
    dBlankConfig.ResponseData.parameters.RuntimeDS.PcConfigurationParams = dRTParams;

    dynamic dCRTDS = new { PcValueGrp = new { }, PcValueHead = new { }, PcConfigurationParams = dRTParams, PcConfiguredDrawings = new { },
        PcContextProperties = new { }, PcInputsLayerDetail = new { }, PcInputsLayerHeader = new { }, PcInputsPublishToDocParams = new { },
        PcInputVar = new { }, PcValueInputLayerDetail = new { }, PcValueInputLayerHeader = new { }, QBuildMapping = new { },
        ExtensionTables = new { }

    dynamic dConfigSummary = new { ConfigurationSummary = new {}, PcInputValue = new {}, ExtensionTables = new {} };

// tried with and without context, same result           
    dynamic dTest = new { configurationRuntimeDS = dCRTDS, configurationSummaryTS = dConfigSummary }; //, CallContext = dContext };
// fails at this point with  HttpStatus 400 and the error message “No ttPcConfigurationParams record was found, at least one ttPcConfigurationParams record is needed.”
    dynamic dPreConfig = EpicorRest.BoPost("Erp.BO.ConfigurationRuntimeSvc", "PreStartConfiguration", dTest);

    return sReturn;

Trace log attached. This starts after the Order and Line have been created and the “Configure…” button is clicked.

Happy to also export the configurator and attach if that would be useful but it’s just a small dummy config with a handful of controls while I test this process.

By all means “correct” my code too - I’m always happy to learn better ways to do things.

Thanks again for looking into this with me, much appreciated.

PreConfigShared.xml (142.5 KB)

I think I’ve just solved my own problem here. For now at least…
I was stripping PcConfigurationParams from dBlankConfig.ResponseData.parameters.RuntimeDS.PcConfigurationParams[0] but returning them to dBlankConfig.ResponseData.parameters.RuntimeDS.PcConfigurationParams

I returned them to dBlankConfig.ResponseData.parameters.RuntimeDS.PcConfigurationParams[0] before passing into PreStartConfiguration and it returned the dataset.

Put this one down to silly user error… sigh

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